Friday, January 3, 2014

Hellooooo Winter!

   Hello Everyone,

           I think it is safe to say that Winter has arrived in Northfield Center. We have the snow now, and really cold temps next week. I think Niko and I will be missing School on Tuesday for sure, maybe even Monday. I don't remember the last time it was this cold. We are talking about negative highs - eek! I think Nicholas just turned one when we had a cold snap. I don't mind the cold, but I have to be careful with Jacob. He has been requesting a blanket, so I have to make sure I take one in the car and keep one downstairs. I took him outside yesterday to get the mail, and he freaked. I held him in a blanket for an hour. I think he likes that, and I am OK with that. I want him to feel safe and comfortable, especially when it gets very cold.

We hope you had a great New Years. We did! Chris and I went and saw two movies. We have never done that before. The boys have been pretty good. Since it has been cold and snowy, we have stayed home. We do two errands then come back home.  I am ready to go back to the normal routine, but I will miss my time with the boys.

We had a great break. I am not sure when the next blog will be. I still owe you a blog on Niko's Birthday. Maybe this weekend :) Have a good day! Mandy