Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Jacob!

 Hi Everyone,

         I was all set to do the blog last night, and the laptop decided not to work for me :( It's up and running now, thank goodness.

Jacob turned 3 this past Friday. I am not gonna lie, I am glad to see year 2 gone. We had the terrible twos in full force. Nicholas did not go through the terrible twos ( he waited to be horrible in years 3 and 4 ), I am REALLY hoping year three is better. I think going to Preschool will help. I think Jacob had a great Birthday week. We celebrated on Tuesday and Wednesday. Nicholas, Jacob and I did a little celebration on Friday.

Nicholas is almost done with Kindergarten. Hopefully, First grade will be better. Nicholas did very well academically. I wish we had a better start in the Public School System. That's all I will say about that. Nicholas was also very good with behavior. He did not get one bad mark in School for behavior. That's pretty good! At home, Nicholas makes me want to pull my hair out :) This has been a really tough year. It's mainly his mouth. I have him taking swimming lessons and tee - ball this Summer. I am very excited to see him getting involved this Summer. Next year, it will be Baseball!

Jacob is all set for Preschool. He does not qualify for any special services. We are really working on the potty training. He does fine at home, when he is naked. I tried underwear today, and within 15 minutes we had an accident. Ugh.. He may have just turned 3, but he still acts like a 2 year old. I think there will be a lot of growing happening in year 3.

I am finished with School on June 4th. Nicholas graduates from Kindergarten on June 3rd. I was going to leave at 1:45 to attend the ceremony, but then they changed the time to 11. I am so bummed. I don't think my principal will let me leave. Chris will get to go, but it's not me. It will be a very tough day for me. As of June 11th, my Summer break can start. I am ready :)

Chris still doesn't have a set schedule yet. There was mention of a 9pm - 5am. Ugh... Hard to do when there are two littles running around.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day! Mandy