Saturday, May 26, 2012

Break Down!

Hi Everyone,

I am on a computer a lot sooner than I thought! My computer of eight years, finally bit the dust a couple of weeks ago. I was not very happy! My grades and baby pictures were on there. Luckily, I know a pretty neat person who helped me out with getting all my information off the hard drive. We still need to get the baby pictures off, but the grades were number one priority, Then at school, I was talking about my computer and someone offered me their computer for a pretty good price. The best part - I don't have to pay right away and the grading program is already on there! I wasn't planning on getting a new computer until mid summer. I am very glad everything worked out!!  My new to me computer is a HP, which is what I had before - so another bonus!! This one is smaller and makes my old one look huge!!

Everyone is doing well. The pictures above are when we go to Aurora Farms. It is a shopping Outlet. We never shop there though. We go feed the ducks, ride the little rides, and have a slice of pizza. We usually get bread from church and then we feed the ducks and fish. It's a fun afternoon. I hope we can do it a couple more times this Summer. Both boys were great last time.

Nicholas is finished with Preschool. I will download some pictures. We have had some days were Nicholas has been REALLY bad. Other days he is an angel. I am really hoping in June it changes, when he gets closer to five. He was giving me problems about going to bed, but he has gotten much better about going to bed. Sometimes he wants to go to bed when Jacob does, then I have to call in the reinforcements and Daddy has to put Jacob to bed. Nicholas did come down with a little bug last Wednesday. He threw up at the sitters. My mom had to come and get him, but it didn't last long. He was fine by 5pm that night. No one else got - I have no idea what goes on with that boy!

Jacob turned one on May 23rd. Since Nicholas was sick, we didn't do much. We usually do Pizza, but with Jacob's feeding problems - we will just wait until he gets therapy for his eating skills. We are still waiting for physical and occupational therapy to begin. I really wish physical therapy would get moving! He is ready to walk but his legs won't let him.  He is a great little boy!! Always happy. Love this kid (and his brother too)

I have a couple more weeks of school and then Summer can begin. We have a busy weekend. We are going to see Thomas tomorrow. Monday, Nicholas will be in the Memorial Day Parade for Preschool. Both days in the 90's. Hot, Hot, Hot!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Mandy

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Easter - A little late :)

Hi Everyone,

Sorry this blog is a little late and that I did not blog last week. I had so many pictures and I totally forgot about the Easter pictures. I love when Nicholas wakes up on Easter or Christmas mornings and there are surprises waiting for him. He doesn't run down the stairs right away, almost like he forgets what happens in the morning. Then he gets excited. This is a great age for that kind of stuff! We had our Easter Feast on April 16th.

Nicholas is doing okay. Being 4 is rough! I think it may be a little more tough than the 3's. People lied to me! I was already for the 4's because I was told it would be better than the 3's. We are not seeing this. Nicholas does not listen, he  yells all the time. We still have good days and bad days. Hopefully, when 4 1/2 comes around - things will change. His last day of preschool is next Friday.

Jacob is doing pretty good. We had our NICU follow up appointment. He will have to get PT and OT. He is showing some delays. He will also have an MRI done to see if it shows any delay in development. Help me Grow is coming back. They did their assessment yesterday. They found some delays too, so they will come back for therapy. We are glad we are getting to this now, while he is young. He will be one in a few weeks.

Both boys woke up with stuffy noses - :(. Hopefully this will be a smooth weekend :) Mandy