Sunday, June 29, 2014

A mouse and a heart attack?!!

Hi Everyone

              It should not take this much time to update a blog. It actually took me two days to update. My keyboard was doing something wonky, but seems OK now. Let me get this blog in before something else happens.

    The boys and I are so happy that our favorite vegetable stand is open for the Summer. We like to pick out veggies and visit Reilly, the dog. Nicholas likes to drive the tractor. Jacob likes it too, but not as much as Nicholas. It is always a nice afternoon out.

The Balyeats had a rough June. Chris was in the hospital from May 29th to June 17th. He hasn't been to work since May 26th. My Uncle passed away on Father's Day. For the past couple of years, my Uncle has not been nice to my Dad, but when he passed away, that didn't matter. I just remember all the memories and how upset my Dad would be. It was my Dad's twin and they did everything together, growing up. To me, the last few years do not count. My Dad was not able to go to the funeral because he was in rehab for his hip replacement. I was very surprised how upset I became when my Uncle passed away. I am still dealing with it. He was 64 years old and it was unexpected.  Chris was home for a week. This past Tuesday, he came downstairs and said he didn't feel good. I am not gonna lie, I wasn't very compassionate. He was complaining every single day something was wrong. So naturally I said, "What now?!" He said he was sweaty, arm and chest were hurting. I was in disbelief, really did not know what to do. He told me to call 911. I did, and it turned out that he was having a heart attack ( a minor one). They put a stint in, cleared and artery. He has an artery that 100 percent blocked. He looks, sounds, and feels much better. The same morning, I realized we have a visitor, Jerry, aka mouse. I hate mice! I try to not to go in the kitchen. He doesn't go anywhere else, but the kitchen. Had an exterminator come and he was so worthless. Put bait in the garage and under my sink. Well, he is still romping around in my kitchen. My cats are not mousers. I rounded out the week, with a flat tire. June needs to be over!

  The boys are doing good. I feel like I am not giving them enough attention. Now, that things are settling down, hopefully, we can have a normal day. Nicholas is craving for attention. I also think he is bored. We also went from Daddy never being home, to Daddy being home all the time. Jacob is doing pretty well. He has a "brain appointment" last week. He had to give blood, for genetic testing. We shall see how that comes out.

Alright, dinner time - Have a good weekend!!! Mandy

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hello Summer!

Hi Everyone,

         I am so glad Summer is finally here! I get to spend a whole two months with my babies. Thank goodness this Summer is not off to a rotten start, like last Summer was. I remember when I wanted to send Nicholas to camp, because he had awful behavior. So far so good. Nicholas and I were both done last Wednesday. I have to go to two conferences this week, but then I don't have think about  School for awhile :)

I showed a couple of pictures of Nicholas graduating from Kindergarten. From what I heard, it was a nice show. Nicholas got three + on his report card. He is above average in Math and Reading. I am very proud of Nicholas. His first grade teacher is Mrs. Wilson. Hopefully, she will be a good fit for Nicholas. I emailed the principal and requested a very good teacher for Nicholas. I trust the principal. Nicholas will be starting T-ball tomorrow, and swimming on Saturday. I also signed him up for some library classes. As much as he doesn't approve, we will be reading and writing this Summer. Sucks to be a teacher's kid.

Last Friday, I took the boys to the local festival. Nicholas and Jacob went on rides for the first time. They loved it. We really did have a good time. We might go to a Fair this Summer.

Jacob is doing good. He starts a new sitter tomorrow. I am a little nervous. We were very attached to our old sitter, and it was sad to say good bye, but time to move on. Our new sitter is outstanding, and she will be a good fit for Jacob. She provides transportation and there will be more one on one with Jacob.

Chris has been in the hospital with the usual. It has been hard. This stay will more than likely be a 14 day stay. He went into kidney failure, but bounced back pretty quickly from that. He still has pain in his tummy, but I went to see him today and he looked so much better. I am hoping by Wednesday, he can come home, Thursday for sure. We all miss him. The boys and I have been managing. Night and morning times are the hardest for me. Once we get going with the day, I'm OK.

Chris and I will need to have a weekend get away. I have to wait and see what his schedule will be like. Maybe, I will go by myself. I need a massage - bad. It has been a rough couple of weeks for me. Not just Chris' situation, but other things going on too. Summer is here, so no more worries for a few months - right?!

Have a good Week! Love, Mandy