Saturday, March 9, 2013


                                          A rare moment with glasses on

                                           The process of making the house
                                          Niko's house
                                     This picture pretty much sums up my night

Hi Everyone,

Up at 6:15 this morning, so I decided to update the blog. I was not up by 6:15 by my choice. Mr. Nicholas decided it was time to get up. Lucky me! This kid has been SO hyper for the past two days. It's getting annoying. He will NOT calm down. I think Spring needs to come soon. We are going to the Zoo today, so hopefully that will calm him down. He knows we are going to the Zoo, that is probably why we are up so early.  

We had a pretty good week. Besides Nicholas being hyper all the time, he had grandparents day at School. Baba got to go with Nicholas. My mom stayed home with Jacob. My mom is the working parent all the time (because she likes doing it - crazy! ;) ), and we had Baba go instead. She enjoyed it. 
Nothing else really went on. I was busy as usual with School and then had a preschool meeting. I am very grateful for my Nook. I love reading before I go to bed.

We try to have a quiet time before bed. It doesn't work all the time. On Tuesday, it was nice .Nicholas played on the computer and Jacob crawled up on Daddy. Usually, I have screaming and crying from Jacob. It goes from 5:00 to 7:00. Jacob doesn't want to be put down. Jacob doesn't want to be held. It's a fun time!  Nicholas has been ok. I know I will miss days like these?! but, it is wearing me down. Oh well, part of being a Mommy. I still love my babies very much. I think Mommy needs a little Spring too :)

This week, Jacob has three therapy sessions - again. We were told every other week for OT which is awesome. Speech is still every week, which will be for awhile. He has a recheck for PT this week. All therapies just hit the right week. We did not have much of a break :)

Well, I need to put the laundry in the dryer. I am working Woodside tonight, and doing Bingo tomorrow. It will be a busy weekend! Have a good Weekend! Mandy

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