Saturday, March 2, 2013

February Blah.........

Hi Everyone,

This has been such a blah month. I really never liked February. I know it is the shortest month of the year, but to me it feels like the longest month. We had a four day weekend - which was nice, and I think a snow day. Now, we are into March, another long month :) We are going to try to make it to the Zoo next weekend. At least we went once in February. That's pretty good!

Nicholas is doing good. He got his new glasses. We are having a hard time getting him to wear his glasses. He won't wear them. If he keeps it up, he will have to have surgery or wear glasses forever. Nothing I say to him matters. Chris gets angry and forces him to wear his glasses. So, it's a frustrating time for us. I really don't know what else to do to get him to wear his glasses. He is also getting tummy aches - because he won't poop! He is so stubborn. Love the kid, but he is stubborn. At least his behavior has been better. He still loves school.

Jacob is doing OK. He has been sick with a cold for two weeks. Finally, last weekend, it came into full force. He has a cough and a lot of snot! He was waking up in the middle of the night, and my mom got us a vaporizer which has helped. He has also been in a mood. He screams in public places. At 5:00 he won't stop crying and throws fits. I am also at my wits end with him. We did get some good news. He will start going to OT every other week.

We got a new pet! On Presidents' Day, we went to the pet store and got a fish. I am not allowed another cat ;) I do like our fish. We named him Goldie and he is still alive! Nicholas said he will live forever, because he made it past the two hour mark. On Presidents' Day, we also got a new train table. I will have to get a picture of that. It is huge.

Have a good Weekend!!! Mandy

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