Saturday, February 25, 2012

I wanna be....

President Niko
Fireman Niko
Waterworks Niko
Bus Driver Niko
*Bonus* Daddy and his little boy

Hi Everyone,

With Chris' schedule we do not have much ( if any) family time together. When I have a Monday off, we take full advantage of having a family outing. This past Monday was President's day - so I had the day off. Nicholas mentioned that he wanted to go to the museum with the sand and water. I thought it sounded like a good idea. I wanted to get there early, because I knew it would be very busy and it was. We did get there early and Nicholas loved it. We were thinking about getting a pass, but we visited so many other places - especially in the Summer, I didn't want to be just tied down to one place. Nicholas really did love it!! This age is pretty neat.

This past Saturday, Nicholas went to a Birthday party. He had so much fun. He bungee jumped and loved it. This is a kid who is afraid of heights and he was flying!! We had a tough week last week with behavior but it seems to be getting better. Every day is a hit or miss. Maybe he still has some 3's in there!

Jacob is teething. Poor thing! He is getting some fevers and just plain old miserable. He had a rough night last night, but gave him some medicine and a bottle and he was out for the rest of the night. Getting Mommy up at 11pm when she was just falling asleep was not cool! :) It was a long week at school and Mommy was t-i-r-e-d. I am glad he was able to sleep comfortably after I took care of him.

Have a good weekend!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Be Mine!

* Nicholas making his Valentine's for the special people in his life*

Hi Everyone!

We hope you had a good Valentine's Day. Mine wasn't the greatest. I got no sleep the night before (thank you Jacob), a party at school and came home to a crabby hubby and a very excited four year old. We had pizza that night and that was it. A couple days before, I ordered tickets for Chris and I to see our very first play as a couple. We are seeing Fiddler on the Roof. A real date! I am looking forward to March 2nd. I was quite pleased with myself.

Nicholas hasn't been doing too good this week. He developed a virus in his eye and had to miss two days of preschool. This really messed him up. He HATES the drops. It takes both of us to hold him down. These are worse than shots. Hopefully, next week goes back to normal. I know he is going stir crazy from being cooped up. He went to a Birthday Party today and had a blast!!

Jacob isn't doing well either. He caught Niko's cold and sleep stopped. I get up with him once or twice ( sometimes 3!) times a night. He needs to start sleeping again for the sanity of this Mommy ;) He just has a very snotty nose. No "pink" eye yet.

School has been rough, home has been rough - I think I am going to find a big rock and hide under there until Spring - just kidding! I would miss my boys too much :)
Have a good Weekend!! Mandy

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saturday Afternoons

Niko playing on the computer
Getting ready for the Library fun!
Just a cute picture!

Since I wrote about our Sunday afternoons, I decided to blog about our Saturday afternoons. Usually, we go to the Library on Saturdays. I like to go at 4pm, right before they close :) They close at 5pm. Nicholas has gotten so good at the library. He was excellent this past time. We usually leave early because of Jacob. He just has enough and it is time to go :) Nicholas knows how to pick out the books and DVDs. I usually get books for school.

I must say, but not too loud, I love the 4's! Nicholas has been a dream. We only have one issue. He turns into a raging monster at 7pm. Naps are creeping back - so this might help the 7pm hour. I also realize I have a very sensitive child. He gets scared very easily. We will have to start being careful with certain things. I thought he was getting sick again and I think he did catch something, but seems to be ok now :)

Jacob is very close to crawling. Sleeping is going well. He is a happy baby and the light of my life ( well both children are )

Everything else is going well here. We are getting some snow - yay! Seriously, I am excited about that!! :) Have a good weekend!!
Oops! Forgot about this picture :) Chewing on my hoodie string while Niko plays on the computer.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Way to go Niko!

So proud!
Best Buds

Hi Everyone,

Chris and I went to Nicholas' first school conference this past Monday. We were very impressed with Nicholas' academics and behavior. He has grown up so much since September. Mrs. Pearl, Niko's teacher, is just amazed with Nicholas' smarts. She highly suggested to put him in Pre K instead of the 4's program next year. That's what we did. He will be in the PM Pre K. It is 4 days instead of 3 days. I am pretty happy with our decision.

Jacob is still cute :) No teeth and no crawling. He is a happy baby! He has started taking baths with Nicholas which is adorable. Of course, I hold on to Jacob for dear life, but he loves to splash and more importantly - he is with Nicholas.

Big kudos to my hubby! He worked his booty off during his two days off. He cleaned and cleaned. Not a big fan of the mounds of clothes he left for me on the bed, but he tried :) He has been the greatest for the past two weeks!

No big plans for awhile, but we have some back up blogs for your enjoyment! Have a good weekend :)