Saturday, February 18, 2012

Be Mine!

* Nicholas making his Valentine's for the special people in his life*

Hi Everyone!

We hope you had a good Valentine's Day. Mine wasn't the greatest. I got no sleep the night before (thank you Jacob), a party at school and came home to a crabby hubby and a very excited four year old. We had pizza that night and that was it. A couple days before, I ordered tickets for Chris and I to see our very first play as a couple. We are seeing Fiddler on the Roof. A real date! I am looking forward to March 2nd. I was quite pleased with myself.

Nicholas hasn't been doing too good this week. He developed a virus in his eye and had to miss two days of preschool. This really messed him up. He HATES the drops. It takes both of us to hold him down. These are worse than shots. Hopefully, next week goes back to normal. I know he is going stir crazy from being cooped up. He went to a Birthday Party today and had a blast!!

Jacob isn't doing well either. He caught Niko's cold and sleep stopped. I get up with him once or twice ( sometimes 3!) times a night. He needs to start sleeping again for the sanity of this Mommy ;) He just has a very snotty nose. No "pink" eye yet.

School has been rough, home has been rough - I think I am going to find a big rock and hide under there until Spring - just kidding! I would miss my boys too much :)
Have a good Weekend!! Mandy

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