Sunday, September 30, 2012

Love Saturdays!!

                                                     Haircut #1
                                                       Haircut #2
                                                        Trying to get both to smile = impossible!
                                                            Corn Maze
                                                           Our fearless leader
                                                            My Jacob!
                                                           Nicholas making music
                                                        Random! My new Active Board - Love it!!

Hi Everyone,

We are having such a good time on Saturdays! Fall Saturdays are turning out to be pretty busy, which is OK with me! Nicholas has Soccer until October 13th. My dad watches the office for an hour so Chris can come and watch. My mom also comes and watch Niko play Soccer. He is doing OK. Not as good as the first game, but we are working on no meltdowns and understanding the game. I think he will do Soccer again next year. Maybe not Tee Ball, he wasn't a big fan of that sport :)

I worked this past Friday. I got home at 11:30pm, which wasn't bad. Jacob had me up before 6. I was pretty tired yesterday. I am working a few times in October. I took the boys to get their haircuts. Both were excellent. Then we went to Nicholas' Soccer game. We came home ate lunch, and Jacob took his nap. After Jacob's nap, we went to Szlays. Our fruits and Vegetables stand has pumpkins and a corn maze. We did the corn maze for the first time. It was fun. I got bonked on the back though, and that really hurt! I don't know if it was a corn or one of their displays. It was hard, whatever it was. Jacob sat in the stroller really well, and Nicholas walked the whole thing! It was a 3 acre corn maze! It had some spooky (really spooky) items, but Nicholas wasn't up with up nightmares, which I was surprised. Came home made dinner. Everyone was asleep by 8:45, including the big boy. I went upstairs to read my Nook. My favorite part of Saturday, and the Nook had no power. Battery died - grr!

Nicholas is doing OK. He has been in a mood, but I think it is because he doesn't feel good. I brought home another cold a few weeks ago, and I think he caught it. I am a little nervous because I can feel it in his lungs. I may have to take him to the doctor if it doesn't clear up. We are getting homework now! He has to practice his letters. He hates homework. Today I made him to do it, and he did very well.

Jacob is feeling better. He woke up crying yesterday morning. He never wakes up crying. I felt so bad. I think he is teething. He is drooling, low grade fevers, some "D" diapers. I know he is still fighting off that cold. He is a champion stair climber. I finally broke down and put a road block by the steps. He loves adventures!!

The last picture is my Active Board at School. After a year of the board sitting in my room, it was finally mounted. I am so happy! We love using it. I use it at least 5 times a day. It was a big struggle for me to get it mounted and even to get it to work. The is a background story to this, but I am going to leave it out of the blog. My husband was VERY supportive with what I was going through.

Have a good Week!! Mandy

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Soccer Weather!

                                                    A nap after Pre-K and before a Soccer Game

Hi Everyone,

Welcome Fall! I am so happy that the cooler weather is here! I love this crisp weather. A couple weeks ago, we had one last blast of Summer, and we were miserable. School just started and it was so muggy in the classroom. I was talking to the other veteran teachers, and we cannot remember a time that we were that hot in that building. A few years back, we started School in the beginning of August, and even that wasn't as bad as what we had a few weeks ago. The humidity is what makes it tough. As it got cooler in the classroom, it made life much better :)

Nicholas started Soccer a few weeks ago. He had his first game last Saturday. He did great! Nicholas scored five goals. After that game, his skills kind of went down. He won't get in there and get the ball. He just runs around. As parents, it is very frustrating to watch. He did so well last week! He told me he likes it better than T-Ball. If Nicholas is having a good time in Soccer, then let him run around. The listening skills are lacking too.

Besides Soccer, Nicholas is doing OK. We had a few meltdowns this week. I think he is tired. We are locked in a schedule now, and the poor kid is worn out. He doesn't nap anymore - not really. He is becoming more mellow, which is nice. The conversations I have with him, just amazes me! He was playing Angry Birds tonight and totally random (because this is what Nicholas does) he says, "Why did Papa go to Heaven?" I told him why, then he says. "I miss him". I had a huge lump in my throat, but managed a "Me too". It has been three months since we lost Papa, and he is still on our minds. Nicholas hasn't mentioned Heaven or Papa for about a month.

Jacob is doing OK. He caught a cold. I brought home another cold - Grr! Help Me Grow came this past Thursday. They are pretty good. They said his drooling and tongue being out, is a sign of low muscle tone. I don't know why, but this bothered me. I am not really that strong - I have my moments, still. Then I think how much has improved since Therapy started. He probably wouldn't be walking, if he didn't have therapy. I notice other things too. When he picks up toys or objects, he does it very weakly. He still needs to build up that muscle tone, but like everything else - he will get there! Jacob time!! :)

Yep, I brought home another cold. I thought it was a sinus infection, and I still think it is, but Jacob is pretty miserable. He had a fever today and was very fussy. I was sick all last week. It went straight to my chest. I have a nice cough. Woke up Monday morning with a tickle in my throat, and my chest was hurting. Not really a stuffy nose. The germs are starting early this year. I should have stayed home one day this week. I will probably need a day for my kids though. Momma can't take a sick day for herself.

We went to the fruits and vegetables stand today. We bought some pumpkins and gourds. Nicholas picked them out. We were there and his pant leg was up, I told him to pull down his pants, and then I quickly changed my wording. The lady that worked there, thought it was funny. I told her, he would actually pull down his pants! Anyway, tomorrow we are putting up the Fall stuff.
Have a good week!! Mandy

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 70th Baba!

                                         Nicholas showing Baba how the cake was made
                                          Baba and her boys
                                           Darn kitchen table always make the shot - and always cluttered!  
                                         Singing Happy Birthday!

Hi Everyone,

I have been one busy bee, and it doesn't look like it will end anytime soon. I took on a second job - very part time, working at a Hall, and it is Wedding Season. I also volunteer at Bingo. Plus, Fall activities are approaching. This will have to be a quick update, since I have grades to put in the computer and make lunch for Nicholas.

The pictures above is when we celebrated Baba's 70th Birthday. It was very low key. We made chili and had cake. Both boys were pretty good. I had a meeting that night, so we celebrated right when Chris came home from work. Then Baba came back last weekend, and we had a second celebration. Nicholas asked Baba how old she was, and she told him 70. Then Nicholas said, "Are you going to Heaven?". We all handled the comment well, and Baba said "Not yet, I am not ready :)" The things this kid says!

Nicholas is doing pretty good. He had his first Soccer game yesterday. He is pretty good. It may be his size that makes him so good. He is the smallest one on the field. At first it bothered me, but it actually works to his advantage, he is quick and sneaky! Of course there will be pictures! He scored 5 goals yesterday! He caught my cold and had to miss one day of Pre-K. He was so upset, but he woke up that morning with a tummy ache, and I did not want to  chance it. We "think" the problem might be the pooping. He won't go, and I think that is causing his tummy problems. He is stubborn and won't go.

Jacob is doing OK. I feel like we are going backwards in therapy. He is becoming very cranky and doesn't want to do anything they are asking him to do. He is SO clingy with me. He has been giving me such a hard time. It is wearing me down. I know this is a phase, but it has been lasting 6 months. If Chris was ever thinking about a third child, this one sealed the deal for me - NO MORE! I love Jacob more than anything, but we are having some issues. Some good news.. if we ask him if he is hungry, Jacob goes to his highchair. If I tell him we need to change his diaper, he goes and gets the diaper. Nicholas and I are working on Jacob throwing away his diaper. We are almost there!

Well, Nicholas is bothering me for lunch. He always does this when I am trying to type. Have a good week!! Mandy

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just a little busy!

Hi Everyone,

I can't apologize for not updating the blog, because you were warned :) I finally have some time (not really) but I made some time. I have to do my Meet the Teacher agenda right now, but I rather update the blog. The pictures above are the end of the Summer activities. Niko's last T - Ball game was a few weeks ago. I also took the boys to the Fruits and Vegetables Stand one last time before I went back to school. I think we may go next week, and I won't be surprise to see some Fall stuff at the Stand. Summer was so good with my babies. I cherish every moment I have with them. I also cherish the 8:30 moment every night too :)

Niko is doing great. He is doing very well in Preschool. The teacher loves having him in her class. He is so eager to learn, what teacher wouldn't want him?! She used the word energetic - which we get a lot from coaches and teachers. Pre K is a lot more work than the 3's,  but so far we are doing OK. Nicholas brought home a paper with his name on it, and he did a great job. Poor kid, we gave him such a long name! Nicholas also started soccer. He loves it and he is actually pretty good. He made and excellent play at practice. Nicholas doesn't understand the no sharing concept in Soccer, but we are getting there. He has been pretty healthy, but I think he is catching my cold. :(

Jacob is doing well. He is walking a little more now. He still doesn't have the strength to stand and walk for a long time, but the kid tries. He truly is my hero. Nothing stops this child. I am learning so much from him. He makes me strong! We did get into Speech therapy. Only a two month wait - I have heard it could take up to a year. Starting in October, Jacob will have therapy three days a week. We finally have Help Me Grow coming tomorrow. They haven't have been out since June. I am having them only work with his Speech. I feel that he gets enough PT from Cleveland Clinic. Jacob waves, clap  his hands, drink from a sippy, points. He really is doing well with his skills. OT may be only every other week in a few months.

We have been pretty busy with the School year starting. Chris is the working parent at preschool and had his first day last Tuesday. He was so nervous. Not Nicholas! Nicholas couldn't wait :)  Chris did great, and the teacher hopes he will be a working dad again.

I managed to bring home a school cold. I hate when I do that. Chris and I seem to have gotten it the worse. Nicholas is sneezing. Jacob has a drippy nose and drooling. We think Jacob is teething.

OK - time to work on my School stuff. Have a good week!! :) Mandy