Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 70th Baba!

                                         Nicholas showing Baba how the cake was made
                                          Baba and her boys
                                           Darn kitchen table always make the shot - and always cluttered!  
                                         Singing Happy Birthday!

Hi Everyone,

I have been one busy bee, and it doesn't look like it will end anytime soon. I took on a second job - very part time, working at a Hall, and it is Wedding Season. I also volunteer at Bingo. Plus, Fall activities are approaching. This will have to be a quick update, since I have grades to put in the computer and make lunch for Nicholas.

The pictures above is when we celebrated Baba's 70th Birthday. It was very low key. We made chili and had cake. Both boys were pretty good. I had a meeting that night, so we celebrated right when Chris came home from work. Then Baba came back last weekend, and we had a second celebration. Nicholas asked Baba how old she was, and she told him 70. Then Nicholas said, "Are you going to Heaven?". We all handled the comment well, and Baba said "Not yet, I am not ready :)" The things this kid says!

Nicholas is doing pretty good. He had his first Soccer game yesterday. He is pretty good. It may be his size that makes him so good. He is the smallest one on the field. At first it bothered me, but it actually works to his advantage, he is quick and sneaky! Of course there will be pictures! He scored 5 goals yesterday! He caught my cold and had to miss one day of Pre-K. He was so upset, but he woke up that morning with a tummy ache, and I did not want to  chance it. We "think" the problem might be the pooping. He won't go, and I think that is causing his tummy problems. He is stubborn and won't go.

Jacob is doing OK. I feel like we are going backwards in therapy. He is becoming very cranky and doesn't want to do anything they are asking him to do. He is SO clingy with me. He has been giving me such a hard time. It is wearing me down. I know this is a phase, but it has been lasting 6 months. If Chris was ever thinking about a third child, this one sealed the deal for me - NO MORE! I love Jacob more than anything, but we are having some issues. Some good news.. if we ask him if he is hungry, Jacob goes to his highchair. If I tell him we need to change his diaper, he goes and gets the diaper. Nicholas and I are working on Jacob throwing away his diaper. We are almost there!

Well, Nicholas is bothering me for lunch. He always does this when I am trying to type. Have a good week!! Mandy

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