Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just a little busy!

Hi Everyone,

I can't apologize for not updating the blog, because you were warned :) I finally have some time (not really) but I made some time. I have to do my Meet the Teacher agenda right now, but I rather update the blog. The pictures above are the end of the Summer activities. Niko's last T - Ball game was a few weeks ago. I also took the boys to the Fruits and Vegetables Stand one last time before I went back to school. I think we may go next week, and I won't be surprise to see some Fall stuff at the Stand. Summer was so good with my babies. I cherish every moment I have with them. I also cherish the 8:30 moment every night too :)

Niko is doing great. He is doing very well in Preschool. The teacher loves having him in her class. He is so eager to learn, what teacher wouldn't want him?! She used the word energetic - which we get a lot from coaches and teachers. Pre K is a lot more work than the 3's,  but so far we are doing OK. Nicholas brought home a paper with his name on it, and he did a great job. Poor kid, we gave him such a long name! Nicholas also started soccer. He loves it and he is actually pretty good. He made and excellent play at practice. Nicholas doesn't understand the no sharing concept in Soccer, but we are getting there. He has been pretty healthy, but I think he is catching my cold. :(

Jacob is doing well. He is walking a little more now. He still doesn't have the strength to stand and walk for a long time, but the kid tries. He truly is my hero. Nothing stops this child. I am learning so much from him. He makes me strong! We did get into Speech therapy. Only a two month wait - I have heard it could take up to a year. Starting in October, Jacob will have therapy three days a week. We finally have Help Me Grow coming tomorrow. They haven't have been out since June. I am having them only work with his Speech. I feel that he gets enough PT from Cleveland Clinic. Jacob waves, clap  his hands, drink from a sippy, points. He really is doing well with his skills. OT may be only every other week in a few months.

We have been pretty busy with the School year starting. Chris is the working parent at preschool and had his first day last Tuesday. He was so nervous. Not Nicholas! Nicholas couldn't wait :)  Chris did great, and the teacher hopes he will be a working dad again.

I managed to bring home a school cold. I hate when I do that. Chris and I seem to have gotten it the worse. Nicholas is sneezing. Jacob has a drippy nose and drooling. We think Jacob is teething.

OK - time to work on my School stuff. Have a good week!! :) Mandy

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