Saturday, October 20, 2012

B Boys!

Hi Everyone,

     I love these Balyeat boys - even the biggest one :) Soccer is finally over, and I am a little lost on what to do on Saturday mornings now. Of course, when Soccer was going on, I thought of a million of things that I needed to get done. Seems like the Fall activities are slowing down - a little. We are going to Boo at the Zoo tomorrow. This is our fourth year. I think this one will be the best yet. Jacob will be able to enjoy it more than last year. We are also inching closer to when Nicholas will have enough of Boo at the Zoo. We are also going to Akron Boo at the Zoo next weekend. Nicholas is being a Red Crayon. Jacob is being a baby cub ( with a pink bow - oops! Mommy will remove that) and  a Bumble Bee. I am hoping the Bumble Bee costume is waiting for me at the mailbox. I really wanted it for tomorrow. I am not sure though. It will be here for the next Boo at the Zoo.

The pictures are random. Jacob is holding a great book! I hope we get to see it on TV one of these days. We like to go to Giant Eagle on Fridays, and pick out dinner and a few extras. Then we continue our Friday fun by cooking then bath. Last night, I let the boys have a dinner party. I moved Jacob by Nicholas and they ate together. Bath time was fun too! I love Friday nights!! 

Nicholas is doing good! I had to contact his teacher - and not for behavior :) He is doing some things with his speech, so I wanted to check that out. Nothing to be concerned about right now, so that is good. I think his teachers really enjoy him in their class. No behavior e-mails this year, that makes me happy! He went bowling a few weeks ago for a Birthday Party and loved it. I bit the bullet and decided this year he could have a Friends Birthday party. We are doing bowling too. He will love it! He has been a little stuffy in the morning but then he is ok. I think it is our furnace.

Jacob is doing pretty good. He is getting more independent which I love! The neurology appointment went well. He was not sure why we had to see him for the Spleen. So back to the regular doctor we go. The doctor is back tracking and saying that it could have been something viral and that is why is was squishy at the time. Right now it doesn't sound like a concern - Yay! He will check it out at his 18 month appointment. I thought the neurologist said it was enlarged too, and said we may need to see a hematologist. I don't know anymore! We do need to see a growth hormone doctor for Jacob. I knew it was coming. I have been told and read that if one sibling has it, the other one is very likely to have problems with growing too. It doesn't make it any easier though. I am a little upset, but we have a really good Hormone Doctor for Nicholas, so I am sure she will be great with Jacob too. I didn't need this too, with everything else going on with Jacob though. Then I think - paying 300 dollars every three months for these shots for the next 15 years - yikes!
Anyway, we still need to continue with therapy. He is behind in Speech. Speech isn't going too well. He is in constant motion and sitting still isn't his thing. Each time a therapy started, it was rocky but then got better. He is very different from Nicholas. Jacob runs off! Jacob love outlets - even with the caps on. Jacob is sneaky and hides things. I love the kid, but he has a crazy (but loveable) personality!!

No blogs last week, because I worked all weekend! I had book club last Friday. Then I did a Wedding on Saturday and Bingo on Sunday. I am still tired! This weekend grades are due, but I finished with those last week. I have conferences this week, but no school on Friday. I am taking a nap that day!!

On Sunday October 21st, Chris and I will celebrate our 6th Wedding Anniversary! I still get excited when people call me Mrs. Balyeat :) 10 years will be here before we know it! :)
Have a good weekend!!  Mandy

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