Saturday, February 16, 2013

Children's Museum

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday, I had the day off! I wasn't in the mood to stay home, so I decided to take the boys to the Children's Museum. We actually haven't been there in a year. I don't know why, but we need to go back more often. This was the first time Jacob was able to walk around. He didn't walk - he ran! It was kind of hard to keep up with him and watch Nicholas. I don't usually complain about taking both out by myself, because I do it so often. However, yesterday was a little tricky doing it by myself. I will try it again - but I need to be more prepared next time. I was prepared with diapers and stuff, I just wasn't prepared  for how active Jacob would be. Nicholas was actually OK being by himself. They have a sand area and Nicholas loved it - Jacob didn't. I took Jacob in the barnyard area, and the worker said she would watch Nicholas. That was so nice.

Everything is going well here. Just a normal week. Nicholas was pretty excited about his Valentine's party. He was very hyper. The night after the party, he was totally calm and good. It was pretty amazing. Mr. Nicholas will be getting bifocals. He has a focusing problem, and a wandering eye. They say a couple of years for the glasses. It will be a change, but he needs them. He sits too close to the TV and complains of headaches.

Jacob has been stuffy all week. I am not sure what is going on with him. He also has a cough. If it keeps up for another week - I will take him to the doctor. The cold has been going on for two weeks.

Well, we need to get ready for a Birthday party. Have a good weekend! Mandy

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snowy Saturday

Hi Everyone,

I was trying to get pictures of the pretty snow that was falling last Saturday, but they did not come out that good. The boys pictures came out cute though :)
Last Friday, I had a snow day, and then the next day it snowed ALL day. I didn't mind it though. It was really pretty and the boys seemed to enjoy watching the snow too. We did venture outside and went to the library. It was two days of being cooped up in the house, and we needed to do something! I really enjoy going to the library with the boys. We try to go every Saturday, and the librarians know Nicholas very well. We go more in the Winter than the Summer, but I am trying to teach Jacob library behavior. It's going OK. It took Nicholas awhile to learn it, but I start them early.

We had a pretty quiet week. Jacob did well at his NICU appointment. The doctor told us, she usually stops seeing kids when they turn two. This would have been Jacob's last appointment, but Speech isn't coming in yet, and she wants to see how he is doing in August with his Speech. Jacob got a pass, and will see her one more time. There also may be surgery in the future for my little guy. We meet with the surgeon in March. It's nothing serious, but there will be a lot of discomfort for all of us! Out of the three areas of the test, Jacob is finally in the normal range for 2 areas. The therapist could feel the low muscle tone, but that really never goes away. We just have to strengthen those muscles, and we are working on that. I always thought low muscle tone will go away and there is a cure, but there really isn't.

Nicholas is doing good. His behavior was excellent this week!! Hopefully, five will be a good year. He had some stomach issues this past Thursday and I thought for sure I would be up with a pukey kid all night, but I wasn't. I didn't get any sleep - worried about my boy. He had to miss Pre-K one day, but he took it OK. We have started writing Niko instead of Nicholas, and that has helped so much!

Today, we are going to the Zoo - 45 degrees! Have a good week :) Mandy

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Airing Out!

                                                   Nicholas was so excited that I was the Working Parent!
                                                   Cool Dude!

                                          Instagram Action - one of my favorite Winter Pix - so far

Hi Everyone,

Yep! Two blogs in one weekend!! I had a snow day this past Friday, and I left my grades at School. So, I decided to update the blog a little more. I have nothing else to do ;)

We were in a pretty ugly cold snap a few weeks back. When the temp finally reached over 30 degrees, I HAD to take the boys outside. We decided to visit Turtle Tuck at the Brecksville Nature Center. Nicholas and I have been going to this place since he was 2 1/2.  We always have a good time. In the Summer, we like to do the trail. I also like to take my camera and take pictures. It is so pretty. This time we went a little farther and a little more dangerous ;) We went to visit the bridge. It wasn't that dangerous, but it is right by the main road. Both boys were fine. Nicholas was OK by himself walking, and I held Jacob's hand. Nicholas doesn't usually run away from me. Jacob on the other hand - in a heartbeat. He usually runs the other way.

This weekend went pretty good. I have had two snow days. I have only put in one full week of school, since coming back from Christmas. I was happy for this past Snow day. I wanted to stay home with Nicholas, since he wasn't feeling the greatest. We also had the craziest week at School. Friday would have been so hectic. It would have been Student's day. My kids were so hyped up - all week!

Jacob is doing some pretty amazing stuff. He goes down the stairs by himself. He was going backwards and crawling down, but now he sits and slide down. He is doing really well. He went down with big brother the first time. It was time. I think I was spoiling him too much, I carry him down. I had to put a load of laundry in the washer, and Jacob didn't like that I left - so he was determined to come downstairs. He did it! He also seems to be understanding more. We have a NICU appointment on Tuesday (another day off for me) and I had to fill out his Bayley's test. He seems so behind and I wanted to give up on filling it out - because I was getting depressed. I finished it, and realized Jacob is Jacob. It will all come with time. We are already seeing the specialists and therapists. What else could they do this poor kid?!

Nicholas is being pretty good. As he told me this morning, he has his moments. He sure does!! He is feeling better, because he gave it to his Mommy!!

All right - Quiet time in the house!! Shh! (as Jacob would say). Have a wonderful week!! Mandy

Friday, February 1, 2013

Another Trip! (Or 2)

Hi Everyone,

Back to normal blogs! I really didn't go all out this year - but it is nice to blog about some recent trips and updates. I am ready to start a new year of blogging! Hopefully, I can do more than 2 blogs a month.

While I was on Christmas break, I took the boys to the Zoo. You can feed the penguins when it is under 50 degrees. We went, but the penguins didn't want to eat. I think they ate too much, but the lady told us it was too cold. Don't penguins like cold weather? She said these penguins come from a warmer climate, so they are not used to this weather. We still had a great time though. We always stop at the Komodo Dragon Cafe and have a snack. Then, in the middle of January, we had a bonus day. The temp hit 60 plus degrees. We decided to go back to the Zoo. My mom came with us. It was so much fun. Then we went back to her house for a cookout. It was such a nice day! I am waiting for another decent day. I have February 15th off, and I told Nicholas that if the weather is nice or not freezing, we can go to the Zoo. If it is terrible we may head out to the Children's museum.

Everything is getting better here. Hopefully, the bad times are in the past. Looking forward to this year. Nothing major is happening, but we needed a new year!

Nicholas is doing good. I had to sign him up for Kindergarten. After talking to many teachers, I have decided to put Nicholas in part time Kindergarten. It was my decision, so no one can really judge what I have chose for Nicholas. I know Nicholas is not ready for full time, which consists Monday - Friday 8:45 - 3:15. I would be getting many calls from his teacher - that is a promise. Nicholas is on the edge of testing for ADHD. That would be a long day for him. The doctor won't say anything until they see him a classroom setting. His fine motor skills are also a work in progress. He has a very hard time writing his name, and cutting needs to improve. Full time is also 200 dollars a month. Nicholas is very smart, and he will do well in the Kindergarten setting, but I know he is not ready for all day School. It may make first grade a little harder for him, but he will a year older and have more of the classroom atmosphere. Nicholas managed to bring home a cold. We did not go a month sick free. Now, I am just waiting for Jacob to get it.

Jacob is doing good. No more physical therapy. He is doing so well, they decided to let him go. I call it graduating. We have a NICU appointment on Tuesday. He is taking another test. He also has some more teeth. They really came in and fast. We had a few ouchie days with the new teeth. He seems to be better now.

That looks like all the updates I have for now. Maybe there will be an extra blog this weekend!!! Mandy