Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snowy Saturday

Hi Everyone,

I was trying to get pictures of the pretty snow that was falling last Saturday, but they did not come out that good. The boys pictures came out cute though :)
Last Friday, I had a snow day, and then the next day it snowed ALL day. I didn't mind it though. It was really pretty and the boys seemed to enjoy watching the snow too. We did venture outside and went to the library. It was two days of being cooped up in the house, and we needed to do something! I really enjoy going to the library with the boys. We try to go every Saturday, and the librarians know Nicholas very well. We go more in the Winter than the Summer, but I am trying to teach Jacob library behavior. It's going OK. It took Nicholas awhile to learn it, but I start them early.

We had a pretty quiet week. Jacob did well at his NICU appointment. The doctor told us, she usually stops seeing kids when they turn two. This would have been Jacob's last appointment, but Speech isn't coming in yet, and she wants to see how he is doing in August with his Speech. Jacob got a pass, and will see her one more time. There also may be surgery in the future for my little guy. We meet with the surgeon in March. It's nothing serious, but there will be a lot of discomfort for all of us! Out of the three areas of the test, Jacob is finally in the normal range for 2 areas. The therapist could feel the low muscle tone, but that really never goes away. We just have to strengthen those muscles, and we are working on that. I always thought low muscle tone will go away and there is a cure, but there really isn't.

Nicholas is doing good. His behavior was excellent this week!! Hopefully, five will be a good year. He had some stomach issues this past Thursday and I thought for sure I would be up with a pukey kid all night, but I wasn't. I didn't get any sleep - worried about my boy. He had to miss Pre-K one day, but he took it OK. We have started writing Niko instead of Nicholas, and that has helped so much!

Today, we are going to the Zoo - 45 degrees! Have a good week :) Mandy

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