Sunday, April 14, 2013

It WAS a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

Hi Everyone,

We had one teeny tiny good day last weekend, so I decided to take the boys to the playground. They LOVED it! We go to playgrounds at least twice a week during the Summer, but during the winter, we forget the good times that we have at the playground. I can't wait for this Summer at the playgrounds. Jacob will love it!! I had two very tired boys at the end of the day and bed times were no problem!

It got colder in the middle of the week, but I was able to squeak in one more day to play outside when I came home from School. It was too nice to stay cooped up inside, so I took them outside. I have very active children and they love to go outside and run off some energy. It is pretty funny to watch them run. It is very needed to get the wiggles out of their  bodies. Jacob still needs some discipline though. He loves to run for the street. This is new to me, because Nicholas never did that. We are working on that.

Nicholas is doing good. He is really liking his new glasses, and I don't have to fight too hard for him to wear them. On the weekends, he won't wear them too much, but we are doing a lot better than before. When he wears his glasses, sometimes I can't get him to take them off. He is doing really well with ready. He read the word "ceiling" to me. I was very impressed! He woke up yesterday with a bad cough, but nothing else. He told me his throat hurt when he coughed. Just keeping an eye on it. Surprisingly, I have not made one sick doctor visit all winter with me children - that's impressive!!

Jacob is coming along nicely with his speech. He is making more sounds. He still doesn't understand what we say, and he can't express anything, but we are doing pretty well. If I tell him to say "Mama", he says "DA" or just smiles. He keeps me on my toes all of the time. Loves to turn off the TV, and the microwave. Loves to play with the computer. Jacob also loves to go in the refrigerator and clean it out. Nicholas did the same thing, so that is nothing new for me.

Chris brought home a tummy bug a few weeks ago. Knock on wood, the boys have not gotten it. I hope it stays that way. I had it last week, and finally feeling more like myself. I am very tired. There were two nights I was up past 11:00. I am getting better, just need a nap - which is unlikely :)

Well, I need to put laundry away and do some grades. Plus, I promised Nicholas some computer time. Have a great week!! Mandy

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