Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

                                          At Niko's Preschool

                                           Everything that he made me!
                                          Singing "You are my Sunshine"
                                          Baba and Jacob

                                          Nana, Jacob and Nicholas
                                          Ahmi and Jacob

Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to update the blog. The pictures are still taking forever to load. So, I upload the pictures, and Jacob turns off the computer. It has been going on for two weeks. I finally blocked the computer and tried to distract Jacob. It worked.

We have been pretty busy these past two weeks. The pictures are from Niko's Preschool and Mother's Day. I took a half day and went to Nicholas' school. I missed it last year, and I was so sad. I told my principal in February, that I was taking a half day. I am very glad I went. Nicholas of course was very hyper. Graduation was much better - pictures in the next blog :)

Nicholas is doing well. He is on Summer vacation right now. I reminded him that next year, he would still be in school at this time. My last day is June 5th and I can't wait :) I think I will sign him up for Soccer again in the Fall. I think he wants to do T-Ball again. We will do the second half.

Jacob turned 2 this past Thursday. Not gonna lie - Jacob has been in a mood! I was quite concerned. He just throws these fits and doesn't want anything to do with me, no soothing. I won't go into detail with what we have been dealing with, but his speech frustration and sensory disorder are very active right now.
We also learned that Jacob is not growing. He is actually growing worse than Nicholas. He will have an MRI done on his gland. I did contact neurology and they decided to go ahead and do the brain too. That should be  a fun time. I will make it for a Monday and Tuesday in the Summer. I can't do this alone! 

I am glad Summer is coming. I will miss my class though. We had a pretty good year. They weren't my best class, but I bonded with all of them. Not looking forward to the class coming up,  but we will manage. Last year's class prepped me for my challenging classes in the future.

Nicholas and I will try to go on our Summer hikes. I haven't decided if I should bring Jacob. I think he would do OK, but there are some tough parts on the path. I know someone would watch Jacob if we decide to go, but I want to include Jacob into our activities. He is two now :)

Time to make lunch. Have a great weekend, and Happy Memorial Day! Mandy

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

                                           First Hot Dog at a Baseball game

Hi Everyone,

We had such a good time at the Baseball game last Sunday. At first, Nicholas did very well. He sat for a few innings. Then he got to be Nicholas and we had to walk around - A lot!  I told Chris we should take him to an Indians game, and he said no. I don't think he is ready for the big league yet. Jacob was pretty good too. It was a nice afternoon.

Everything else is going OK. I have been really busy. It's wrap up time at both schools. More at Nicholas' school. His last day is this Thursday. There will be tears, I am sure. I went to his Mother's Day Tea this past Thursday. It was very nice. He worked very hard on the pieces and parts. Nicholas was so hyper and didn't listen. I was kind of sad about that. It seems like I am the only one with the kid who can't control himself. Even when I watch him on the weekends, he can't sit still, like he needs to go to the bathroom all the time. If he tests for ADHD - we will probably put him on medicine, but just for school. At home, I will just have to keep him busy.

Jacob has a new sound. He says B. He will go up to Sophie and say "Boo". He also says Bee and Bop / Boops. It is very cute! He has been very tired lately. He has been sleeping pretty good. It might be a growth spurt. He is also very crabby and clingy. He is not sick. He could also be getting new teeth.

Today is Mother's Day. Chris got me flowers and a card. The boys have given me nothing but a hard time this morning. I have been cleaning, and this afternoon all the cooking is up to me. Well, Nicholas needs me.

Have a good week! Mandy

Sunday, May 5, 2013



It might have taken all day, but my pictures finally uploaded. No idea what is going on with the blog. I was going to blog last week, but I thought there were issues with Blogger, so I gave it a week, and the same thing happened this weekend. Then I decided to wait. I wanted to see if the pictures would actually upload and they did. It just took all day.

Last weekend or the weekend before, I can't remember we went outside. It was a beautiful day. I cleaned my car and the boys played. Jacob actually played very well and did not run away. He usually runs away when he is ready to go inside. I took some pictures of Spring making a scene. We love this weather and it has been sticking with us for awhile.

 The boys are doing well. We went to a Kindergarten meeting and decided to put Nicholas in Full time. We are afraid he will be bored with another preschool schedule. I think we made the right decision. It will cost us money, but it will be well worth it - I think.

Jacob is doing OK. Going backwards on the speech again. As a neighbor said, who cares? He is healthy and walking. She is right.

Both boys has massive colds. They are better now, but it took awhile to get rid of them. Nicholas also caught a tummy bug. He stopped eating and that is all I will go into.

Today we took the boys to their first baseball game. Pictures to come. Nicholas had a blast! They  both should sleep really well tonight. So should their Mommy!

Have a good week! Mandy