Sunday, May 5, 2013



It might have taken all day, but my pictures finally uploaded. No idea what is going on with the blog. I was going to blog last week, but I thought there were issues with Blogger, so I gave it a week, and the same thing happened this weekend. Then I decided to wait. I wanted to see if the pictures would actually upload and they did. It just took all day.

Last weekend or the weekend before, I can't remember we went outside. It was a beautiful day. I cleaned my car and the boys played. Jacob actually played very well and did not run away. He usually runs away when he is ready to go inside. I took some pictures of Spring making a scene. We love this weather and it has been sticking with us for awhile.

 The boys are doing well. We went to a Kindergarten meeting and decided to put Nicholas in Full time. We are afraid he will be bored with another preschool schedule. I think we made the right decision. It will cost us money, but it will be well worth it - I think.

Jacob is doing OK. Going backwards on the speech again. As a neighbor said, who cares? He is healthy and walking. She is right.

Both boys has massive colds. They are better now, but it took awhile to get rid of them. Nicholas also caught a tummy bug. He stopped eating and that is all I will go into.

Today we took the boys to their first baseball game. Pictures to come. Nicholas had a blast! They  both should sleep really well tonight. So should their Mommy!

Have a good week! Mandy

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