Saturday, September 21, 2013

Feeding the Ducks

                                           Love this face
                                            Duck face
                                           My Sweet boy

                                          My favorite picture! I love this picture

Hi Everyone,

      I know it has been awhile since I updated the blog. We have been pretty busy, and there may not be too many posts anymore. I will update when I get a chance. I apologize in advance if it takes awhile to update the blog.

Last weekend, we went to feed the ducks. I could not believe that this was the first time all Summer we went. We went so many times last year. I really don't know why we didn't go this Summer. The boys had a blast. Jacob did not need to be in the stroller. I did not even bring it out. I knew he wouldn't sit in the stroller, and it would have been a pain to take it around. Jacob did a great job walking with us. I held him in the parking lot, or he held brother's hand. The ducks were hungry! They got close. We played on the playground too. It was a really fun afternoon.

Jacob is doing well. We have moments when he cries / screams for a half an hour. Does not want to be touch. I am sure my neighbor enjoyed the screaming and crying at 7am this morning.  Of course, it is just for me. My mother in law has witnessed these outbursts though. I don't why he does it, and no one can explain to me. It sure gets me down though. I don't know how much more of the moments I can take. I won't go postal or anything, it just makes me upset. He is doing pretty good in other areas. His speech is coming along. When I say "stop"', he says "pop". He also says "oops" now. He has one bad habit - he spits. He won't stop doing that. So, we have the sensory disorder going on (big time) and terrible twos. Our house is fun!

Nicholas is doing pretty good in Kindergarten. I had to get on his teacher a little bit. He kept bringing home worksheets that were done the wrong way. I emailed her, and said he would redo these sheets. I also told her to push him. He can be stubborn. She emailed me back and said he rushes, and has heard "I don't want to it:". That boy is lucky to still have a behind with that statement! We had a good talk, and no spanking was involved. He is smart, but doesn't want to do things, only if he wants to. The teacher told me she will start checking the seat work a little more carefully. He is doing really well in Soccer. He has really grown since last Soccer season. I hope he continues this sport. He gets to run!

My oral surgery went pretty well. I am in still some pain. I went back yesterday, because my ears and head was hurting, but everything was healing very nicely.  

I need to put Niko to bed. Have a great week! Mandy

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Family Day

Hi Everyone,

     This past Monday, which was Labor Day, we had one more family day before the end of Summer. I let Nicholas choose where he wanted to go. He chose Lake Farmpark. I was surprised, because the Zoo was the other choice. We have a pass to Lake Farmpark. I think we will renew this pass too. We have until December. The boys ( all three of them) have a great time. Daddy likes to look at the crops, and old tractors. Jacob loves to make the animal sounds. Nicholas loves everything. It is funny to think or remember back when Nicholas was so afraid to touch the animals. Not anymore. He has built up his courage, and I am very proud of him.

Everyone is doing well. Nicholas likes Kindergarten but thinks it is too long. I really can't blame him for that comment. It is long! It doesn't tire him out though. Past two days he has been up before 7. I think Daddy wakes him up, and he has to go to the bathroom. One day, it will be impossible to wake up that kid.
Jacob caught a tiny cold, but he is already bouncing back. Nicholas has been a little stuffy today.
I finally went to the dentist because of my sore mouth. I will need to have two teeth pulled. My Mommy is coming with me. I had to take a day off. I can't wait until it is over. I am little nervous :)

Have a great week!! Mandy

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Hi Everyone,

  A couple of weeks ago, we had Father Joseph take some family pictures. Our last one was taken a little over a year ago, but Jacob has changed so much. My father in law was in town to visit, so we decided to include him and Baba in the pictures. I think they came out great. I am very pleased with our new family shot. Hopefully, Jacob doesn't change for the next couple of years, but I doubt it and that is OK.

Nicholas is doing great in School. I am shocked that he has not brought home any School germs (yet). I am seeing on Facebook with all these kids getting sick after the first week. I actually had a few kids sick in my classroom this week. Last year, it was the same thing and I did catch that cold. I was not happy. I told the principal that I do not want to bring home germs to my family, and she said there really was nothing we could do about it. This year, I am very pleased that I did not bring home anything (yet) :) Nicholas seems to like Kindergarten a lot. I love that I can get him off the bus in the afternoon. He also started Soccer this past Wednesday. He has the same coach from last year.

Jacob is doing good. He loves to say the word "bus" and gets very excited. He has also learned to say Thank You. I gave him a juice box yesterday, and he said Thank You. Totally melted my heart. We are in the terrible twos phase. Nicholas didn't really get into this phase, he saved it for 3 and 4. This is new territory for me. He only has to go to OT once a month now. We are still having attachment issues. Sigh....

My new school year has started in the OK form. I have 17 kids which is the lowest class number I have ever had. It's ok with me, but I know the bosses want higher numbers. I really have to push these kids to work. It will be a long year.

I also have something going on with my gum or cheek. I have a swollen cheek right now. Not fun. I will have to go the dentist. I have been in pain for a week and a half .It was really bad yesterday. I had a fever, and in extreme pain.

Alright, since I didn't much sleep, I think I may try to lay down for a bit. Have a good Week!! Mandy