Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Fall!

Hi Everyone,

    A couple of weeks ago, we went to our favorite Farmer's Market. I love going there in the Fall. They have a maze, which was very slippery this year. A lot of pumpkins that Nicholas fell in love with :) It's a nice afternoon outing.

Everyone is doing pretty good. Nicholas and Jacob have coughs. It is kind of hindering our plans for this weekend. We have Boo at the Zoo on Sunday, but I can't take them out in this cold weather. I can't believe this is the last weekend before Halloween.

Nicholas is doing very well in School. The end of the first quarter was yesterday. How is it possible that my baby has already completed a quarter of School?! Reading is great, but he needs to work on taking his time with coloring and fine motors. The teacher doesn't think he has ADHD, because he sits still at learning time, but I somewhat disagree. I disagree with a lot of things, but I am trying really hard not to be THAT parent. He has Reading and Math down, which is awesome!

Jacob is doing pretty good. The Sensory Disorder went on for about a month. It was very tough, but he seems to be better now. We still have our flare ups. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he doesn't want to be held. He always says "NO" over and over. I cannot calm him down. I usually have this Sensory disorder down, but there are times when I just give up and let him ride it out. That is all I can do. He has fallen a couple of times this month. He got a flat lip when Daddy was watching him. A couple of days ago, he fell down the stairs (again) and got a huge goose egg on his forehead. Today he fell off the bed and has a bruise on his chin. I don't know what is going on. It might be the way he is walking, but he is a little dare devil.

I am doing pretty good. I was sick too. I lost my voice for a day. I feel better now. I am working almost every Saturday at the party center. It is something extra, and extras are good! We had an Anniversary this past Monday. Yay....

Well, I am going to try to have some Mommy time. Have a good week!! Mandy

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