Saturday, November 9, 2013

Some Fall Family Time

Hi Everyone,

            I put together two events on this blog. On Thursday October 17, we went to Niko's  School for a Fall Fest. Chris was able to meet us there. It was so packed. They had it inside, because it was raining. It was OK. I think it would have been better if it was outside, but good old Cleveland weather.... The other event was at the Akron's Boo at the Zoo. That was on the next day. Chris really liked this one. I was very surprised, because he was crabby. Jacob was in one of his moods, and it was so crowded! Two crowded days in a row - ugh! I am not a big fan of crowds. We did have a good time, but Jacob was terrible!!

Everyone is doing pretty well. The coughs are gone! When I took Jacob to the doctor, she finally gave us antibiotics. Jacob was a hot mess last Saturday. He finally came out of the sick coma around 4:30pm that day. He slept a lot that day. Nicholas' cough went away pretty fast, which I was glad about. I thought he was going to be next with a doctor's visit. Chris did take them for their flu shots this past Tuesday. Jacob went first because Nicholas was scared. I thought it would have been the other way around.

Nicholas has to take pills now for his growth. His thyroid levels or some kind of levels are elevated. I have been trying to contact the doctor, but she always calls in the morning. My job is not flexible about when I need to answer or make calls, so now we are playing phone tag. In six weeks, he has to have more blood drawn to check the thyroid. He is OK with giving blood again. I was shocked! I am taking him to the Zoo today, for being such a good sport about the whole thing. He also needs new glasses. The doctor is changing his lenses. It costs 389.00 for the new glasses!!! Our insurance has been used up for the eye exams and glasses. Hopefully, in six weeks the news for the thyroid will be better.

I am having another OT come in a take a look at Jacob. We are having the sensory disorder issues with Jacob, and they really aren't getting better. Usually, we have our flare ups and we are good to go again. This time they really aren't subsiding. I am doing OK with him, but Chris has problems with him. I am very glad Jacob is feeling better, because those two weeks were rough.

Well, I am going to get ready to take the boys to the Zoo. Have a wonderful Saturday!! Mandy

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