Saturday, November 16, 2013

4 Little Pumpkins....

Hi Everyone,

     I am still not finished with all our Fall activities. Only one more blog after this one, I promise. I can't leave out the Halloween pictures. Then it will be Thanksgiving time :) These pictures are from the painting pumpkins at the Library and our annual trip to Blue Jaye farm. We almost didn't make it to the Blue Jaye farm. Both boys were sick - they only had coughs, but the weather was pretty nice, and we did fine. We always enjoy that trip. They have a little Hayride and goodies for the boys.

Nicholas is doing great. We got a very good report from his teacher. He is in the high level Reading group. They take a reading test called STAR. Normal range for his age is 300 - 400. He is 717! There are things we need to work on, but they will come with time - like spacing words. Overall, we were very pleased with his progress. The teacher and I agreed that he was most certainly ready for Kindergarten. I also got a call from the growth doctor. His thyroid level is elevated, so now he has to take pills. This poor kid. He has to go back in six weeks to get it check. His bone age showed him to be at 4 years old and 10 months. I think the doctor thinks he just turned five, because she wasn't too concerned, but he is almost 6. We will just keep doing the shots. I don't want them to increase his dosage. We had problems last time they did that. He looks OK to me :)

Jacob is doing OK. He did very well at Speech this past week. He also let me put on his jacket one this week. That is progress! He has been in a very good mood. Tomorrow it will be a little warmer and then be cool again. We shall see how he handles that change.

Nothing else to report. We are doing OK :) Have a good weekend!! Mandy

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