Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 - Growth

                                          Niko - 6 years old
                                         Jacob - 2 1/2 years old

2013 was very good for my boys. We did not have major health issues with them, and I was glad about that!

Nicholas - Turned 6 years old on December 19th. He had a good year. It was the year he started Kindergarten. Mentally - Nicholas is very bright. He was VERY ready for Kindergarten. He is in the highest level of Reading in School. That blew me away. He still needs to practice fine motor though. He does not know how to tie his shoes (but I have a 2nd grader who does not know how to do that either), but he can zip his coat and totally take care of himself in the bathroom. He still has issues with writing his name (which drives us nuts), but he knows Math and numbers really well. I believe the little things will come with time. He is very hyper, and I plan on having a talk with his doctor (again) about ADHD. The teacher doesn't see it, because he sits still on the carpet. However, everything he does it has to be rushed. Physically, he loves Soccer. We also got the Wii for Christmas. I am hoping that helps the energy level too. Medically, we are having issues with his thyroid level. He just got retested, so we will see how that goes. He takes pills and shots now. Sigh.... Nicholas has done well this year. Still mouthy and full of attitude - but I still love him.

Jacob - Turned 2 years old on May 23rd. He has come a long way in a year. Mentally, delayed, but he is doing very well. OT will probably stop in April of 2014. Speech is going OK. I think he does a lot of his accomplishments on his own with time. He likes to repeat, but if we ask him a question, "What did you have for lunch?" He can't tell us or he will say no. He has just started putting two words together. I love when he does that. He will say "Ahmi's.....(pause)...... house". He says Niko, but very rarely will he say his name. He has done very well this year, and I am very proud of him. Physically - doing good. No more PT. He tip toe walks. Still falls down quite a bit. Medically, He had an MRI done in the Summer. Everything came back normal. The brain did show some abnormal stuff, but we will continue to see the specialist. His growth is still normal. No shots!

We have had a few colds, but I would say this year was pretty good for illnesses. We started 2013 with the FLU. Chris ended up in the hospital in November.

This wasn't a crazy year, so I am glad for that. We  had some ups and downs, but overall, this was a pretty good year!! Mandy

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