Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hi Everyone,
Whoa! Talk about Photo overload. I now have a camera.
. I figured out how to upload pictures on my laptop.
I am feeling better about the camera and laptop.
I did find my old camera though, but now I am used to my new camera.
We wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
We had a wonderful week.
Niko got his Wii. Jacob was good at opening three gifts then he was done.
My car was of course my Christmas gift, but everything after
that magical night has been great!
Chris and I went away for a few days.
He treated me like a Queen, which was awesome.
He paid for a massage, and we went to a wonderful Italian Dinner.
I will not be doing picture posts, like I do every year. 
Most of my pictures are on the other computer.
I think we will have this one for awhile, so I will do one next
year. I will do my Stat post about growth and learning.
I will also do our favorite memories.
Well, Niko and Daddy are playing Wii Golf. I need to
do laundry and have some Mommy time :)
Have a wonderful day!!! 

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