Sunday, April 27, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Hi Everyone!

             We celebrated Earth Day all week! We started last Monday by going to the Nature Realm. The nature center was closed, but the scenery was beautiful. On Tuesday, Nicholas learned about Earth Day in School and I taught my students about Earth Day. The boys and I love to explore and be outside, I really make a big deal about Nature. Yesterday, the boys and I went to the Zoo ( of course). They had outstanding Earth Day activities. It wasn't too busy, because Cleveland Zoo was free. You would not have caught me at the Cleveland Zoo yesterday, that would have been insane. We went to the Cleveland Zoo last week, and it's too big for us. It just the boys and I most of the time, and the Cleveland Zoo is a little hard for me to handle them by myself. They were OK, we are just not there yet with a big Zoo.

The boys are doing fine. Year six with Nicholas has been very challenging. Nicholas is doing well in School. He is above average in Math. He is at a first grade level for Reading. His graduation is June 3rd. You better believe I requested off for his graduation. Jacob will probably not have an IEP for Speech and won't qualify for Special Ed. Preschool. He is doing an outstanding job. I have a Lollipop meeting tomorrow. Cannot believe my baby is starting Preschool in the Fall. Potty training is coming along. He does OK with no clothes on, but when I put on the Pull Ups on, we have problems. He is also in a toddler bed - kind of. Because of his disorder, he is very picky about how and where he sleeps. He wants to sleep on the floor by the door. I have moved his mattress by the door. So far, it has been OK. It will only last a few days, and then we will need to do something else. It has been fun :) Last week,   he woke up twice at 1am, but it happened on my days off. If we ever thought about having a third, his waking up kind of squashed that idea.

We are very happy Spring is here. I am taking the boys to the playground today. Jacob was very excited.  I am very happy that May will be here soon. April flew by. I hope Summer doesn't go as fast. I will be working my second job a lot. Which is fine with me. Extra cash means summer clothes for the boys :) Chris is working overtime and taking some shifts other people. He still doesn't have a position.

Well, Jacob is getting antsy. That's why blogs do not get done. I can't do them during the day, and I am so tired at night. I am very sorry that I am not good about updating anymore.
Have a great Sunday!! Mandy

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thanks for 87 Years and more!!

                                          CST - 2014

                                          My great grandpa in the middle, Grandpa on the far right

Hi Everyone,

    While my computer was on a break, we had our own issues. On February 14th, Chris was given notice that my family's business was closing. We were given two weeks for Chris to find another job, They said don't worry though, the company that bought my family's company will rehire. Well, this little line in the letter did not hold out true in Chris' future. It was a crazy two weeks. I posted on FB a wonderful tribute, then was told to take it down (family / relatives drama). Then Chris was waiting and waiting for the new boss to interview him. We only had a week left by then. Finally, he interviewed Chris and said sorry, but we have nothing for you. But wait there's a little light at the end of this frantic tunnel. The boss' brother owns Lakefront Lines, and they may have  a position for him. They really don't have a position for him, but they hired Chris anyway. Chris is a fill in dispatcher. I am so happy because he has a job. Hours are a little crazy, but we are managing. I was so nervous for him! Between the not knowing and the weather in February - I am glad that month is over!!

Chris seems to be settling into his new job very well. He got some encouraging news from the boss man. He said Chris was doing a good job. He never heard that at his old job. Chris was very scared he was doing something wrong, or they started him too soon with dispatching, but he needed to hear that from the boss. We visited Chris yesterday at his new place. It was nice. We didn't stay long, but I am glad I got a chance to see it.

February 28th was a very bittersweet day. The bus company is where my parents met, and Chris and I met. I am still a little sad, but it was time to move on.

Sorry it is so short. I  promise I will do another blog this week!!! Mandy

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hi Everyone,

      We are back! I am very sorry that there has not been an update. My computer decided not to allow me on the blogger. I took my laptop up to Best Buy and they made it all better. I had 21 viruses. I did an upgrade and update. Paid a pretty penny for it, but now it feels like mine.

We had a terrible Winter. Nothing much to report, so my computer broke down at a good time :) It was so cold and snowy. I had 9 snow days! Nicholas had 6. I am not a fan of snow days. Our house is not fun. We treat it as a real snow day and do not go anywhere. Too much togetherness for me. Now Spring is here, and hopefully it is smooth sailing from here.

Chris lost his job on Feb. 28th. My family business closed. Luckily, Chris got hired at another place. He really likes it. He comes home a lot happier. I am so glad. His hours are insane, but we are managing. As long as he is happy and has a job - there are no complaints.

Jacob has gone down to having Speech every other week. OT is once a month, but soon that will be once every three months. Jacob is in sensory disorder mode, which as usual is tons of fun. He gets tested for his IEP in the middle of the month. He goes to Preschool in the Fall.

Nicholas is doing very well. He lost his first tooth a couple of weeks ago. That was a BIG moment in our house. School is going very well. We were thinking about sending him to another School (Catholic), but that kind of fell through. His reading is outstanding!! I am not going to lie, being 6 is rough.

We all are doing pretty good. One stomach bug back in January. A few stuffy noses. We are very happy Spring is here!! Have a good rest of the week!! Mandy