Saturday, July 5, 2014

Niko's T-Ball and first Dentist Trip

                                                The boys and our new sitter Kati

                                         Hi Kati!
                                         Niko's first Dentist trip - 2014

                                          The new improved smile :)
                                           Jacob had a good time......
                                            Watching cartoons while we waited for the dentist

                                               T-Ball 2014

Hi Everyone,

      I am very proud of myself. Two blogs within two weeks. That is pretty good. I have two reasons behind my frequent blogging. The first reason, I am on Summer Break - I have a little more time on my hands. Reason number two, we do a little more during the Summer. I love Summer!

We FINALLY had a normal week. It was wonderful. On Monday, we took Nicholas to his first Dentist appointment. He did very well. He was nervous at first, and I loved it. It was the first time in a long time that his behavior was perfect. We had an excellent nurse. She was so good with him. A few days later Chris had her, and she was very good with him too ;) Nicholas is right on track with his teeth, and no cavities. I know we waited for awhile to go the dentist with Nicholas, and I take full responsibility for waiting so long, but at least he went and will be going every six months. I never said I was a perfect parent :)

On the same day, Nicholas FINALLY met with a Cleveland Clinic OT. We have been waiting since January. I was right, he does need some help with fine motors and has some sensory issues. He scored low in fine motors. While I am happy that he is finally receiving OT, I am a little angry and will be voicing my concerns / unhappiness when we see the therapist. He is only in therapy for the Summer, she is only seeing him every other week, and we have been waiting since January! I am not pleased. The test showed something, and I feel like I am being blown off (again). When School starts, I am also going to the Principal. Since January, I was pushing for him to get OT at School. All the therapist did was come in and observe Nicholas. Did not test him at all. The teacher, and therapist told me he didn't need any help. That teacher fought me with everything I wanted to do with Nicholas last year, she did it nicely, but made me feel like Nicholas was OK, and really he needed help. I am hoping, it is not too late and he can catch up. Not a happy Mamma right now, especially when I was right all along.

Jacob has been having Sensory Issues. Today is a good day. Thursday and Friday were not good days. I take it day by day and hour by hour. Friday was really bad. He is such a sweet boy. The "brain" doctor said that we may have to see a behavioral doctor for him.

Chris is doing better. He is probably doing better than me. He goes back to work next week.

We have a new sitter. Her name is Kati. The boys really like her. I hope she lasts. I went on Care. com. I found a really good one, but she didn't follow through with texts or emails. I got along with her very well, but it wasn't working out. Then I found Kati. She loves the boys, but seems a little stand offish with me, which is OK, I think she will warm up to me. I am the parent, so I take it as out of respect. Jacob didn't like the first one, but he told me he liked Kati. Nicholas is easy going, so he likes anyone.

Have a good weekend. I think there might be another blog next week :) Mandy


  1. Awww! Jacob and Niko both look so adorable. They're growing up pretty fast. Anyway, it looks like Niko's first trip to the dentist went well. He's such a brave little boy. It's good that you got Jacob to tag along, so he now at least have an idea of what the dentist does. Thanks for sharing that with us! Take care! :)

    Josh Brockmann @ StarBrite Dental

  2. That went great! No fuss or whining, unlike some children on their first dental visit. I guess you prepared them well for this. Yeah, be proud of yourself for your amazing parenting. Cheers!

    Jon Mack @ Gentle Dental Associates
