Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pasta Party

Niko and the Easter Bunny

Niko and Mrs. Pearl - Love this lady!!!
Niko not eating his Pasta :)

Hi Everyone,

On March 11th, Lollipop Co-op had their first Pasta Dinner. It was a lot of fun. Nicholas had a great time. He saw the Easter Bunny and had tattoos painted on his cheek and hand. Both Grandmas, and Chris came to the dinner. It was very nice that Chris could come, he usually works on Sunday, but my Dad came in and watched the office for a little bit. Nicholas loved the Easter Bunny, but I think seeing his teacher, Mrs. Pearl was way more exciting! We will miss her when the year is over. Jacob was not a fan of the Easter Bunny, but loved Ahmi's necklace :) They all left and I had to stay to work the next round. I won the 50 /50 raffle, not too bad :)

We all are doing good, and healthy. Nicholas is being Nicholas. We have been having the most unusual weather in March. Everyday we have been going to the playground. One time when we went, there was a dad and two boys. They let Niko play basketball with them. It was so kind of them - and Nicholas had a blast. Nicholas loves the tire swing. By the end of Summer, my arms will be in good shape! He is excited that we are having a PJ / Movie party tonight! :)

Jacob turned 10 months old this past Friday! I cannot believe we are heading to his 1st birthday soon. We did have his 9 month check up this past Monday. He is growing, which is good. He is at the bottom of the charts - but the doctor said as long as he stays on track and keeps going up and not falling behind, there is no need to worry. He is 16 pounds and 26 inches long. Nicholas weighed 15 pounds at his 12 month checkup, so baby brother has him beat there :) I was also explaining to the doctor about his crawling and sitting up. The doctor referred us to Help me Grow. It's a program that will come in and give Jacob therapy and see what it is going on with his development. If he had a normal birth, and there weren't so many complications with his birth - I would say OK, this is normal development, it will just take some time. I want to get this checked out though and see what is going on. He can't sit up by himself and crawling has been at a standstill for a couple of months. He's almost there, but it's like a switch needs to be turned on. He is almost to the point where he is sitting up by himself, but we have to put him on the floor in the sitting position. They are coming this Tuesday for paperwork for us to fill out and then they will come back and evaluate Jacob. We think he is a couple months behind in the development, but it's a free program and if there is nothing wrong, no harm or money wasted. Thank goodness my mom will take Nicholas on Tuesday. I cannot have Nicholas here when there are people here. I love the boy, but he tends to get in the way of things that need to be done :)

Have a wonderful week!!! Mandy

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