Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hi Everyone,

I am finally putting up the pictures from Niko's Bungee Jumping. He did this at a Birthday party. I was so surprised he did that. This is a child who is afraid of heights! He had a great time at the party. Niko even tried to roller skate. I had a hard time holding him and Jacob, but we did it. Sorry about the pictures - I forgot to rotate them.

Nicholas had a pretty good week. Last Saturday was so funny. We had a semi busy day. We went to visit Chris, then the library, then Target. That night, Nicholas was in a mood, so Chris put him to bed. He told Nicholas if he stopped crying, Mommy would come in after she put Jacob to bed. Well it got VERY quiet. Nicholas fell asleep at 7:45pm! It was a nice Saturday night! Chris and I were able to watch a movie and I got my feet rubbed! In other Niko news - no sickness this week!! He was also the working kid in Preschool, which he gets so excited about. Niko also told me "I was at your mom's house today." Smart kid!

Jacob is doing ok. We are having a few days of fussiness and spitting up. I was almost to a point were I was going to call the doctor, but we have days like this. I think some is frustration. No crawling or teeth. It was almost like the colic was back - yikes!! This Tuesday, we are going to our first story time :) I am excited!! I don't think he will be as wild as Nicholas was.

My big news - I got new tires this week! I needed them very bad. I also got an oil change which was also needed. They found a mouse nest in my air filter - ew! Chris and I went to our first Play as a couple on March 2nd. It was so nice. I fell though and banged up my hand and feet. Despite the injury, we had a good time!

Need to change a poopie diaper and start laundry! Have a great weekend!! Mandy

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