Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hi Everyone,

  We have had a lot of cuteness going on! I have very active boys, but I am enjoying every moment of them. I know they won't be this age forever :)

Nicholas had his last working day on April 26th. He was so excited. I was sad that it was his last working day. In a few weeks, preschool will be over for the summer. We had a really great year. Nicholas did grow some physically and mentally. We still have our bumps in the road, but we are working on them. Nicholas' biggest problem is his listening skills. I also have 2nd graders that do not listen, so I know this is not uncommon :) From where we started from - a behavior chart at the beginning of school, I have seen much improvement with Nicholas' social skills, and that is why I enrolled him in this preschool. Anyway, working day was a lot of fun. I was the working parent. I was exhausted by the end of school, but Nicholas still wanted to go, go, go. I took the day off. We went to the library and then to Walmart. It was a very nice day.

Jacob is doing wonderful. I love when he stops in mid crawl, sits up and smiles at me. If he keeps this up, he may be my saving grace from his brother. Jacob is very laid back, goes with the  flow. I really hope he continues this trend. He has his second visit to the NICU this Thursday. I am sure he will do great.

Chris and I went to the Cavs game last Wednesday. Not going to lie - we did not have a good time. We probably should have stayed home. I won't be going to another Cavs game anytime soon. Give me an Indians' game anytime. The tickets were free, and I do appreciate the offer. The Cavs people came to my school on Monday because we won a contest. I had the CEO of the Cavs in my room!!! He did an art project with my kids. It was a busy, loud, hectic week at school! Hopefully, next week gets a little better.

Chris and I also had a surprise date night. We were going to go out with some friends, but plans changed. Chris told me to keep the babysitter and we will just go out. We went to Melt and it was wonderful. Just me and him :) It was an interesting place!!

Both boys had stuffy noses and Jacob was very blah Monday and Tuesday. I think I caught their cold and the students cold. I feel terrible! I don't do two colds in one year, and it needs to stop!

Have a good weekend! Hopefully, I survive this weekend - with two kids, all I want to do is sleep!!! Mandy

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Amish Country

Hi Everyone,

During my break, we went to Amish Country. It was such a nice trip! The boys were not on their best behaviors, but we made it work. Nicholas wanted to go on so many adventures that day! We tried to honor his request. I really like how the pictures came out. I have more, but this blog was getting pretty picture heavy.

First week back at school has been a little rough. Every single night I came home, I was so sore. My feet and back hurt the most. Not fun getting old! I am not usually this sore, so I don't know what is going on. My heel spurs probably have something to do with it. My class was ok this week.    

Nicholas was able to go to Preschool on Friday, which was really nice! Then he had a play date after. I was a little nervous, because we don't do play dates due to Nicholas' social skills. He did good, just wouldn't eat lunch. I was happy that everything went well. He will be the working kid on the 26th. We are very excited! Nicholas brought home a really good coloring sheet - that will make the next blog :)

Jacob is doing good. He is eating more and more of my food. We also have our third tooth. One tooth every two weeks - Wow! Knock on wood - teething hasn't been that bad. He is on the move and such a happy baby!!

Everything is going well here! Have a good weekend!! Mandy

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Brotherly Love

 "Who needs pants?!"

Hi Everyone,

       I think we might get a few more viewers. I just linked my blog onto Facebook. It took me over 2 years how to do it and it was a duh moment. Anyway, welcome to the blog!!

This week has flown by - of course! Had some drama at the last part of the week, but everything is settling down. This week will be interesting. We went to Amish Country and hung out at home. It turned out to be a very nice vacation with my little family.

Jacob is REALLY on the move! We think in a few weeks we will have a walker. I am not ready for that! Nicholas took forever to start walking. This baby needs to slow down!! I think we are working on a few more teeth.

Poor Nicholas! Now that Jacob is crawling - Nicholas is his main target. There are times when Jacob will play by himself which is adorable. Jacob is eating more and more of my food. Last night he tried "sketti" and had a great time. Jacob does not like when we move fast or go into another room.

I took a lot of pictures last week. This will probably be the last blog until next week. Have a good week!!! Mandy                                       

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Egg Time!

On Friday, while Jacob was napping, Nicholas and I colored Easter Eggs. It gets better every year. Nicholas was so excited. He put the eggs in the pot, but the fire was NOT on. Nicholas wanted to color them right away, because he is VERY impatient - but I told him they needed to cool down. Once the eggs were ready, I let him do whatever he wanted with the eggs. He had fun. We will probably do another batch next week.

So far, vacation has been nice. Nicholas is giving me problems about going to bed. Not nice! He turned out to be the best sleeper, and now we are going a little backwards. It might have to do with Jacob going to bed  a little earlier.

Took some cute pictures! There should be some more blogs this week:)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Jacob on the move!

Hi Everyone,

Spring break is here!! There may be a few more blogs during Spring Break! :) I am very excited to be spending the break with my boys. Nothing major planned, but just relaxing (as much as a Mommy can) will be just as nice. I am really looking forward not getting up to 5:30am.

We have had a pretty good week! It went fast which made me happy :)

Jacob has been doing great! He is really on the move now. I have to move everything out of his way. The cat food and water are his main target. He also popped another tooth last week. Now, we are up to two. I did call Help Me Grow. I still wasn't sure if I should cancel the appointment. The lady told me to keep it, so I will. He will pass, but I am concerned with the delay of sitting up and will there be any future delays. It will get us prepared for the May 3rd NICU development appointment too. In January, I was really worried about that test. Not so much now:)

Nicholas is doing fine. His blood work came back normal. We don't have to go back for another 4 months. They will do a bone scan then, to see how delayed he is with growing. It has been running a year and a half. It should be interesting to see this time. He is also on Spring Break. He is very excited to go back to Preschool (already), because he is the working kid when he goes back. His behavior is pretty normal. He had tons of sugar yesterday and I took him outside to get rid of it. We really have to watch the sugar intake with this child :)

Have a good Weekend!! Mandy