Sunday, April 15, 2012

Brotherly Love

 "Who needs pants?!"

Hi Everyone,

       I think we might get a few more viewers. I just linked my blog onto Facebook. It took me over 2 years how to do it and it was a duh moment. Anyway, welcome to the blog!!

This week has flown by - of course! Had some drama at the last part of the week, but everything is settling down. This week will be interesting. We went to Amish Country and hung out at home. It turned out to be a very nice vacation with my little family.

Jacob is REALLY on the move! We think in a few weeks we will have a walker. I am not ready for that! Nicholas took forever to start walking. This baby needs to slow down!! I think we are working on a few more teeth.

Poor Nicholas! Now that Jacob is crawling - Nicholas is his main target. There are times when Jacob will play by himself which is adorable. Jacob is eating more and more of my food. Last night he tried "sketti" and had a great time. Jacob does not like when we move fast or go into another room.

I took a lot of pictures last week. This will probably be the last blog until next week. Have a good week!!! Mandy                                       

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