Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob! ( A month late)

Hi Everyone!

I have mentioned that I am a little behind on the blog. I am  planning to do more than one blog a week, at least for the months of June and July. Sorry, that I am just getting around to Jacob's Birthday :)

We had Jacob's 1st Birthday party on May 19th. My brother was in town that weekend, and we wanted him to be part of the celebration. Jacob's Godparents were also there. Monica who is Jacob's Godmother is a lifesaver! She gets me through everything and anything!! I tell her my deepest - darkest secrets and I know I am safe that nothing will get said. She is my perfect friend :) The grandparents were also there to make the party even more exciting. It was a really special party - considering a year ago we weren't sure if Jacob would be celebrating a first birthday. It was a hot, but fun day. I think Jacob enjoyed it.

Everything is OK here. Nicholas managed to pass on his cold to Jacob, Ahmi, and P. I only had it for a couple of days and it was nothing major. Of course, I felt yucky when Chris went to visit his parents. I refused to let the sickies get the best of me and just went on with the normal routine. Jacob was pretty sick though. He had a fever, cough, stuffy nose and just blah. They are feeling better though. We went to Akron Zoo this past Monday and we had so much fun. It was just the boys and I. Both behaved very well. Jacob was excellent. Nicholas did not run off which is  a major plus. He was so excited.

Jacob did not have a MRI on Tuesday. Thank goodness. The neurologist wants to hold off on the MRI for a few more months. He wants to see how well he reacts to therapy. He also has a small head, but it is growing. He wants to see us in a few months and if his head doesn't grow, further tests will have to be done. From what I gathered from the neurologist, growth is what he is more concerned with. He said Jacob is a few months delayed. We went back to OT yesterday and Jacob did well. There is a lot of work to be done with that child but we have all Summer. He will also start PT a week earlier than planned. His first session was going to be July 3rd - but that was just an evaluation. So, really his therapy wouldn't start until the 10th!! The therapist that looked at him last week couldn't stop thinking about Jacob and squeezed us into a slot for next week! So nice - made my Mommy heart feel really good. He has PT and OT in one day though. He will be one crabby and tired baby by the end of the day :)

Nicholas is Nicholas. I think when Jacob is doing his homework for therapy - Nicholas and I are going to work on his name. He is having his moments! He has been waking up around 6 or 6:30am. This child can never sleep for me. When he gets up too early, he is very difficult to deal with during the day. I have had two days past 7:30 - so I am hoping this continues.

Today we have a play date with  Monica and her boys. Tomorrow, Jacob and I are going to a Help Me Grow picnic. This weekend should be very quiet :) Mandy

Friday, June 15, 2012


Hi Everyone,

I am so glad summer is here! We are having a good time!! Nicholas and I like to do Playground tours during the Summer. We have a lot of playgrounds near us, and we take every chance we get to play on those slides and swings. This year, we take Jacob along with us. I push him around in the stroller while Niko has fun. We did get Jacob to go down a few slides, with big brother holding him of course. We tried the swings for the first time too. He was OK with the swings. Jacob usually goes along for the ride.

My first week off was pretty good. I still had to go to meetings, so my vacation didn't start until Wednesday. I found out on Wednesday that I will have a busy summer, which is fine with me!

Jacob is doing well. We had his first OT session on Wednesday. He is behind in some areas, but they are going to work with him. I am so glad - I was afraid they were going to tell me "He's a little behind and he will catch up." I do not like when medical professionals say that. The therapist didn't say that though - I really like her. She wants to see Jacob once a week, which I was a little surprised by how frequent. I did not think OT was a big issue. We are STILL waiting on PT. I ranted and raved like a crazy mom when I got there. We have been waiting a month and a half for PT. I had enough. I get VERY upset when I see Jacob try to stand and his legs won't work. His legs gave out when he was trying the steps and Chris was right there. He did four steps and his legs just gave out. My little fighter went back and tried again and only did two the next time. Anyway, while I was discussing my problem, there was a PT therapist right behind me! She told me she would take a look at Jacob and try to get him in for PT. She noticed that he needs PT and we really shouldn't be waiting this long. The soonest she could get us in was July 3rd. I took the slot. For Cleveland Clinic in July - he will have therapy Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am sure PT will be every week. He will probably have to wear ankle braces. Help Me Grow is coming once every week. I really want them to concentrate on the expressive / eating issues. I told the therapist "Yep my child is a hot mess" - her response "He may be a hot mess, but he is so darn cute". Yep, I like these therapists.

Mommy is doing pretty good with all this therapy stuff. I went in on Wednesday expecting nothing. In May, I went into NICU with high hopes that my child was OK - and he is, but has some challenges. He is healthy and very happy, and most of all well loved from everyone that he has contact with. I had my meltdown for the month after, but now I feel so strong and ready to take care of my child. Jacob goes for a MRI this Tuesday. I am more nervous about the knocking out part than the outcome. Thank goodness Chris is coming! Anyway, I am handling therapy and etc. much better - because I did not set any expectations for my child. I let the therapists do that. I am just here to encourage and cheer on my child in any way I can. I love that kid!!!

My other child is doing pretty good. He managed to get a summer cold. Passed it onto his brother. I signed him up for TBall in July.  I also signed him up for Preschool Story hour. I also have had to figure out what to do with him when therapy is taking place. My mom is very busy next week!! :) I have been working on his ABC's and Math. He is so smart. I told Chris, once we get through all of Jacob's therapy, it will be Niko's turn. I am almost 100% positive this child will have an IEP in Speech. That goes through school though - thank goodness :) He is so happy it is summer and we are going to the Akron Zoo on Monday. He has not stopped talking about the trip.

Sorry the blog is so long! I want to keep everyone updated. It helps when I write. Have a good Weekend!! Mandy

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Loves

It was another trying week in the Balyeat Household. Nothing major, but we just have some stuff going on, which I will not go into. Anyway, two little people have really stuck out when things get a little tough. Words cannot describe how much I love my boys. They are my world - enough said. They are my Loves!!!
  My love Nicholas. My first born. We had a great Wednesday night, which actually was the most trying part of the week! We went out to dinner, and we needed to leave early  because Jacob was getting tired. We decided to go "Thomas Way". We had the most exciting trip. We just talked, listened to Thomas music, and laughed. It was so nice to wind down that way.  Nicholas is very smart! We did our first subtraction problem last night, and made this mommy proud. I said there were three penguin meals in the freezer and Niko ate one, how many are left in the freezer, and he told me two!! He also reads me the Dr. Seuss ABC book to me. He is really good at it. Pictures of Niko and book soon to come. Nicholas really tests my patience - all the time! He really is a good boy. I even got a "Good Night Mommy" and a "Mommy I love you" from him this week!! As Chris says. "He's yours!" and for once (just kidding) Christopher is right!!

My love Jacob. The baby in our family. He has completed our family!! He is so fun to watch. He loves to get into things - which he is supposed to do. On Thursday when I came home from the last day of School, he crawled to me. I picked him up and he put his head on my shoulder. He was content and happy that mommy was home. It was also a year ago that I brought him home from the hospital. Jacob is such a good boy! I hope it continues and he will be nothing like his brother!! I am looking forward to another year of growing and learning from Jacob!!

How could I forget the big guy?! My one and only love - Christopher. If someone told me that when I graduated from college, in ten years or less I would have a family, I would have told them they were crazy. I actually think some did tell me that I would not die alone :) I am very blessed to have Christopher as my husband and the father of my children. I know it takes a lot of patience to deal with me. I appreciate everything he does for me and our family.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Some Bath Time Fun!

Hi Everyone,

      We hope everyone is doing well, and you are getting ready for a fun filled Summer. We are ready! I have four more days of School. Nicholas is pretty excited that Mommy won't have to go to work for awhile. I remember blogging in the winter time and wondering if Summer would ever get here, and well it is coming!! We don't have any big plans. Chris and I were planning on a couple of days at Belterra, but I think we may have to cancel. We have been throwing around the idea of a family vacation, but I don't think that will happen either. We will probably do the Zoo and other little things around here. What we did last year :) Hopefully, in a couple of years we can do a vacation.

The pictures above show my favorite time of the evening. Our routine has changed. I was sad to see the old routine change. I really enjoyed having our quiet time upstairs before bed, but Jacob has become so mobile, it's easier to take everyone downstairs. I give them their baths together. The boys are so cute. I started giving Jacob a bath in the bathtub when he turned 9 months old. He loves it in there. I take Jacob out, so Nicholas can play by himself. They are a lot of fun.

Nicholas is doing pretty good. I got a good report from both grandmas - which made me very happy. He has a Birthday party tomorrow. He is pretty excited. This Summer we will work on cutting and writing his name. He does okay with his name, but it needs to get better.

Jacob had his one year appointment. It went well. He is 18 pounds and 27 inches. The doctor was pleased with his weight, but won't comment too much on his height. We just don't know if he will have the same problem that Nicholas has. The doctor doesn't seem to think there are any worries, but we just have to see how the year goes. He had 4 shots. He has to go back on Tuesday for blood work. They want to check his platelet count, since his transfusion was a year ago. His MRI is set for June 19th, OT begins June 13th. PT hasn't even scheduled yet - grr! Help Me Grow should be starting within a few weeks. Busy Summer with Jacob. He was struggling with eating last week - but it is just hit or miss with him. He likes Ahmi's meatloaf and Mac and cheese, He won't eat pancakes or 3rd foods (Gerber).  He has also started babbling again. He stopped for a long time, but started it up again. He will get speech therapy too, but I am glad the babble has started up again.

That's our update!! Still have a lot more blogs to do - hopefully I will catch up this Summer!! Have a good weekend!! Mandy