Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob! ( A month late)

Hi Everyone!

I have mentioned that I am a little behind on the blog. I am  planning to do more than one blog a week, at least for the months of June and July. Sorry, that I am just getting around to Jacob's Birthday :)

We had Jacob's 1st Birthday party on May 19th. My brother was in town that weekend, and we wanted him to be part of the celebration. Jacob's Godparents were also there. Monica who is Jacob's Godmother is a lifesaver! She gets me through everything and anything!! I tell her my deepest - darkest secrets and I know I am safe that nothing will get said. She is my perfect friend :) The grandparents were also there to make the party even more exciting. It was a really special party - considering a year ago we weren't sure if Jacob would be celebrating a first birthday. It was a hot, but fun day. I think Jacob enjoyed it.

Everything is OK here. Nicholas managed to pass on his cold to Jacob, Ahmi, and P. I only had it for a couple of days and it was nothing major. Of course, I felt yucky when Chris went to visit his parents. I refused to let the sickies get the best of me and just went on with the normal routine. Jacob was pretty sick though. He had a fever, cough, stuffy nose and just blah. They are feeling better though. We went to Akron Zoo this past Monday and we had so much fun. It was just the boys and I. Both behaved very well. Jacob was excellent. Nicholas did not run off which is  a major plus. He was so excited.

Jacob did not have a MRI on Tuesday. Thank goodness. The neurologist wants to hold off on the MRI for a few more months. He wants to see how well he reacts to therapy. He also has a small head, but it is growing. He wants to see us in a few months and if his head doesn't grow, further tests will have to be done. From what I gathered from the neurologist, growth is what he is more concerned with. He said Jacob is a few months delayed. We went back to OT yesterday and Jacob did well. There is a lot of work to be done with that child but we have all Summer. He will also start PT a week earlier than planned. His first session was going to be July 3rd - but that was just an evaluation. So, really his therapy wouldn't start until the 10th!! The therapist that looked at him last week couldn't stop thinking about Jacob and squeezed us into a slot for next week! So nice - made my Mommy heart feel really good. He has PT and OT in one day though. He will be one crabby and tired baby by the end of the day :)

Nicholas is Nicholas. I think when Jacob is doing his homework for therapy - Nicholas and I are going to work on his name. He is having his moments! He has been waking up around 6 or 6:30am. This child can never sleep for me. When he gets up too early, he is very difficult to deal with during the day. I have had two days past 7:30 - so I am hoping this continues.

Today we have a play date with  Monica and her boys. Tomorrow, Jacob and I are going to a Help Me Grow picnic. This weekend should be very quiet :) Mandy

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