Friday, June 15, 2012


Hi Everyone,

I am so glad summer is here! We are having a good time!! Nicholas and I like to do Playground tours during the Summer. We have a lot of playgrounds near us, and we take every chance we get to play on those slides and swings. This year, we take Jacob along with us. I push him around in the stroller while Niko has fun. We did get Jacob to go down a few slides, with big brother holding him of course. We tried the swings for the first time too. He was OK with the swings. Jacob usually goes along for the ride.

My first week off was pretty good. I still had to go to meetings, so my vacation didn't start until Wednesday. I found out on Wednesday that I will have a busy summer, which is fine with me!

Jacob is doing well. We had his first OT session on Wednesday. He is behind in some areas, but they are going to work with him. I am so glad - I was afraid they were going to tell me "He's a little behind and he will catch up." I do not like when medical professionals say that. The therapist didn't say that though - I really like her. She wants to see Jacob once a week, which I was a little surprised by how frequent. I did not think OT was a big issue. We are STILL waiting on PT. I ranted and raved like a crazy mom when I got there. We have been waiting a month and a half for PT. I had enough. I get VERY upset when I see Jacob try to stand and his legs won't work. His legs gave out when he was trying the steps and Chris was right there. He did four steps and his legs just gave out. My little fighter went back and tried again and only did two the next time. Anyway, while I was discussing my problem, there was a PT therapist right behind me! She told me she would take a look at Jacob and try to get him in for PT. She noticed that he needs PT and we really shouldn't be waiting this long. The soonest she could get us in was July 3rd. I took the slot. For Cleveland Clinic in July - he will have therapy Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am sure PT will be every week. He will probably have to wear ankle braces. Help Me Grow is coming once every week. I really want them to concentrate on the expressive / eating issues. I told the therapist "Yep my child is a hot mess" - her response "He may be a hot mess, but he is so darn cute". Yep, I like these therapists.

Mommy is doing pretty good with all this therapy stuff. I went in on Wednesday expecting nothing. In May, I went into NICU with high hopes that my child was OK - and he is, but has some challenges. He is healthy and very happy, and most of all well loved from everyone that he has contact with. I had my meltdown for the month after, but now I feel so strong and ready to take care of my child. Jacob goes for a MRI this Tuesday. I am more nervous about the knocking out part than the outcome. Thank goodness Chris is coming! Anyway, I am handling therapy and etc. much better - because I did not set any expectations for my child. I let the therapists do that. I am just here to encourage and cheer on my child in any way I can. I love that kid!!!

My other child is doing pretty good. He managed to get a summer cold. Passed it onto his brother. I signed him up for TBall in July.  I also signed him up for Preschool Story hour. I also have had to figure out what to do with him when therapy is taking place. My mom is very busy next week!! :) I have been working on his ABC's and Math. He is so smart. I told Chris, once we get through all of Jacob's therapy, it will be Niko's turn. I am almost 100% positive this child will have an IEP in Speech. That goes through school though - thank goodness :) He is so happy it is summer and we are going to the Akron Zoo on Monday. He has not stopped talking about the trip.

Sorry the blog is so long! I want to keep everyone updated. It helps when I write. Have a good Weekend!! Mandy

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