Sunday, August 5, 2012

You can do it Jacob!

Hi Everyone,

      Last Tuesday was the very first time I could stay in Physical therapy and Jacob did not freak out. It was such a good session. Chris and I were so proud of Jacob. Yes, I will admit it - I had some tears in my eyes, because I was so proud of my little guy. The week before, I had to leave. He wanted Mommy, and physical therapy was not going to happen that day. The therapist understood, but told me she would like for me to be in there next time, so I can see what he does during therapy and what we can do at home. I did not leave Jacob in therapy by himself. Chris was in there, and he is way more comfortable with Chris in the session. When I was in the waiting room, I could hear Jacob yelling (in a good way) and laughing. I was a little worried about staying in there this week, but he didn't even notice me. He did so well. He used to be so afraid of the big red ball, and as you can see he is a pro at the ball now. The ball strengthens his trunk. The therapist put a hip helper on him. It is the blue shorts that are closed at the crotch :) It brings his legs together. She said his legs are too far apart, and these will help. I love the black vest. It is a trunk supporter. It helps him so much. When he doesn't have it on - he falls backward all the time. He has low muscle tone and not sure how to put his feet. He wants to walk so bad - but like crawling, something just isn't clicking. It is very frustrating to watch, but at least we are getting therapy for it now. We have a NICU appointment on Tuesday, and I think the doctors will be pleased with his progress. OT has been going wonderful too!!

Nicholas has been keeping me busy. Last Friday, he had his first bee sting. He is not allergic :) He also took the sting like a champ. Had tons of questions after it happened, but the bump was gone by that night. On Monday, Nicholas fell at the library and then told me his tummy hurt. It actually was his ribs. He was OK by Tuesday. He woke up Tuesday with a headache. He felt a little warm to me, so I gave him some medicine. We were shopping after Jacob's appointment and I get a call from the babysitter. She told me that Nicholas had a tick on his head. It was gross! We took him to the Urgent Care and the doctor really had to pull off the tick. He still has a mark! They gave him an antibiotic to keep away Lyme Disease. He woke up Friday with a rash. Took him to the doctor and said to stop the antibiotic. His first T-Ball game went great. He was the first batter and scored the first run. My parents came and I think they really enjoyed the game. I have pictures from the first game :)

Busy week, not sure if I will blog. My classroom opens on Monday. It will be very busy, with working in the classroom and attending therapy. Hopefully, we will be going to the Zoo on Friday. Probably one of the last Summer trips to the Zoo :(

Have a good Week!!! Mandy

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