Monday, July 30, 2012

T-Ball Practice

Hi Everyone,

Nicholas had his second T-Ball practice this past Wednesday. It went better. Nicholas listened better this time. I think it had to do with Daddy being there. Chris missed the first practice, but the second practice, he was there before the coach. Nicholas did great with the warm up / practice part. Then they had a practice game against another team, and he forgot all the rules. Chris was funny. He really got involved and then when  we were heading to the field he tells me, "I wish I could go out there with him." Chris did end up going out there with Nicholas because Nicholas stopped listening. Chris bought Nicholas a Tee, glove and a bat. I am sure they will be practicing when I take Jacob to Physical Therapy on Tuesday. We were so unprepared last week. He had on the wrong shoes, no glove and no water. We will be more prepared this week! I also thought it was funny that the coach remembered Nicholas' name :) Jacob was there too. He is always good. He just sits in his stroller and doesn't mind the kids running around. Like I have said before, I am not sure if Nicholas is all about sports, but we will give it a try. Whatever he wants to try - we will support him. Pictures of the real game - soon to come.

Things have been pretty quiet here. My classroom opens next Monday. I like to go in early, so I am not stuck the first week, still putting things together. Nicholas' first day is August 29th, but he has phase in two days before. I loved spending the time with my boys. We will miss each other very much when school starts again.

We went to the Akron Zoo last Friday. It was fun, as usual. Niko got his first bee sting. He handled it pretty well. We were watching the penguins and he is jumping up and down saying something bit him. My mom and I saw the stinger and my mom got it out, while I was holding him. Then he started to cry. It got red, but not swollen. We went to first aid and they gave us some wipes for the sting. He was pretty ouchie by this time, so I am not sure how much I wiped. He is not allergic though. It was fine by the end of the day. He took a pretty good fall at the library today and complaining that his rib hurts. He is also complaining that his stomach hurts. I am so done with the stomach hurting. It's time to call the doctor.

Jacob is doing OK. He has been very clingy. Every night at 6pm, he turns into a colicky baby again. We have to walk or go outside. I am very confused right now. I like Jacob being a baby, but I can't wait for him to become more independent like Nicholas. This morning, I got very little accomplished. He wanted me all morning.

Have a good week! Time to get Nicholas to bed :) Mandy

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