Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hi Everyone,

    Sorry for the picture overload! The funny part - When we were carving the pumpkins, I wasn't going to take pictures, because I thought it would be a big mess. I am glad I changed my mind, because they were so cute!
Last Saturday, I decided to carve the pumpkins - inside. I always feel like I should do them outside,  but the weather was not good. It actually was better to do it inside, because Jacob was more confined. If we did it outside, I would be chasing him around all over the place. Carving the pumpkin was fun! Jacob got into it. I wasn't sure, since it was slimy and gooey, but he did OK. He didn't go crazy with the goo, like his brother but he was interested. I think because the weather has been changing, Jacob's sensory disorder is a little more active right now. I won't put on his Halloween costume unless I have to. I love when they model, but Jacob is so iffy about being touched, that I saved it for Boo at the Zoo or Trick or Treating. There are a few nights, that not even a bath will calm him. He does not want me to touch him. His eating habits are going a little backwards too. He won't eat solid foods like chicken nuggets or hamburgers, mostly meat again. I am still learning how to handle his ways and needs. We just keep plugging along, and continue to pray that therapy helps.
Boo at the Zoo part 2 was fun. It was at the Akron Zoo. It was cold, and rainy. I was crazy for taking them. We have never been to this one. Nicholas loved it and so did Jacob. No one was there - which made it pretty nice. We will go back next year. Nicholas of course has been coughing all week and has been pretty hoarse, but only at night. The coughing is all day, and I make him spit. I think a doctor's visit will be soon. I was a little nervous. A boy came to preschool sick (the stomach kind) and I was afraid Nicholas was going to get it, but we are OK so far. I think I have had my fair share in the puke department with Mr. Nicholas :)

I hope everyone has a good week! Don't forget to vote :) Mandy

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