Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hi Everyone,

On November 11th, I took the boys to the Park. It was so nice. I know we won't be able to go to the Park much longer, so I try to squeak out as many visits as I can. Both boys have so much fun at the playground. I am glad they love the outdoors. We have fun just being outside at home too. The only problem I have, Jacob runs away. Nicholas really didn't do that. I have to be extra careful with Mr. Jacob. After the playground trip, it went back to the 40's.

Everyone is doing good. It was Jacob's turn to get the cold. He has a pretty good one. His poor little nose is so crusty. He has an 18 month appointment on Tuesday. Hopefully, it will be uneventful. Chris is taking him.
The PT therapist changed her mind, which is OK. She said that Jacob really isn't ready for once a month visits. Doing further observation, Jacob isn't ready. He will still go once a week. He has to wear the Spio at home and not at therapy. I put it on him this morning, and walking around like a drunken sailor :) I don't realize how important that Spio is, until he has it on.

Nicholas is fine. We have our first pre-K conference on Tuesday. I am pretty sure we will get a good report. I don't think he has social issues anymore. I know he needs to work on letter (writing them) and cutting. He knows his alphabet and even showing some early reading skills. He also loves to count. I can't wait for the scholarships to roll in ;)

Chris has done very well with the boys. He has gone to the doctors office with both boys - two times! He came home and said they both did very well. I am very proud of the boys for being on their best behavior Nicholas can be so iffy sometimes. 

I am .leaving for a couple of days to visit my brother and sister in law. I am excited to get a break, but will miss my boys so much. I have never been away from Jacob before. I think it will be good for Jacob and I, since he so attached to me. Baba and Chris will take good care of them!

Have a good week and Happy Thanksgiving!! :) Mandy

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