Sunday, December 2, 2012


                                         Making soup for the homeless - service project
                                          Enjoying some homemade soup!
                                          What Mommy does during the service project
                                          What Daddy does during the service project
                                            Enjoying his 1/2 birthday cupcake
                                          Christmas Tree 2012 - No ornaments on the bottom
                                         Love this face!
                                           Niko being Silly!
                                         My sweetie!!

Hi Everyone,

  I have no good reason for not keeping up with the blog. I haven't been in the mood, and this mood is getting worse, but I must plug on and get these blogs accomplished. I do apologize, and I will try to fill December with many pictures and blogs. We were kind of in a lull with Fall events being over and now Christmas events are starting up.

I decided to share some family pictures and what we have been up to. Not much - but we do try to keep busy.  Nicholas needs to be kept busy!! We do a service project once a month at church. This is a wonderful experience for Nicholas. I used to go by myself. One time, while I was there I decided Nicholas could do this. He loves to help and it is for a good cause. I was right! He does a great job. What amazes me - all the other kids are running around not helping, and Nicholas is with the adults helping. That really makes me proud. Jacob does OK too. If they show a movie at the end of the project, I usually leave with Jacob. He can't handle that yet.

Nicholas made stone soup at school. Then, Ahmi and Niko made homemade chicken noodle soup and it was sooo good. The rest of the pictures involve cuteness. Our Christmas tree went up yesterday. We have had 4 broken ornaments so far. A Christmas tree with an 18 month is very interesting. Here are the updates:

Nicholas - We had his conference a few weeks ago. It went well. Nicholas is smart, but active. I am going to talk to his doctor about the possibility of having ADHD. Sometimes I think yes, and then other times, maybe not, but most of the time is yes :) He needs to be kept active and I am OK with that. If the weather is nice we will go outside. Yesterday, we went to the library and put up decorations. He told me that he was tired. I really don't want to medicate him, but I don't want him to be labeled as THAT kid when he is in School. He has been very naughty lately. Talking back, not listening, etc. Hopefully, turning five in a few weeks will help.

Jacob - Keeps me on my toes!!! He is into EVERYTHING! He is so different from Nicholas. I do not remember Nicholas digging in the trash bag or going through my cario cabinet. Holy cow this child! He also loves outlets! When we are outside we have to keep an eye on him. He runs away! He does not have a growth problem - phew. Jacob is cutting his molars and he has been doing OK so far.

I went to North Carolina for Thanksgiving to visit my brother and sister in law. It was a nice trip. I went with my parents and the boys stayed home. Nicholas has a very difficult time with me being away. That probably won't again until they are (much) older. It was a nice getaway. Next time I plan on bringing the boys.

December blogs - filled with Christmas (duh), Birthdays, Santa, Chippy our elf,  etc. Fun, Fun!
Have a good week!! Mandy

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