Saturday, June 22, 2013

Zoo with Daddy

Hi Everyone,

 What a week! I am very glad it is over :) The pictures above are from the Zoo trip we took with Daddy on June 11th. It was the very first time Daddy got to go to the Zoo. I think he really enjoyed it. We even renewed / upgraded our pass. That made my day. We use the pass all the time! In fact, my mom and I took the boys yesterday to the Zoo. We may even go next week. I also found out that we can go to another Zoo and pay half price. Awesome! I owe the boys a trip to Cleveland Zoo. Next year, we will not renew the pass for Lake Farmpark. It's a fun place, but too far for us, and that pass it barely used.

We had a fun week - NOT! Last Saturday, we went to Walmart. When we were leaving I noticed that my key was bent. So, I tried to bend it back and then it broke! I did not want to be stuck in the Walmart parking lot. I put the broken piece in the ignition and then I turned it on with the other piece. It worked! Then I called that same day, and asked how much it would be to fix my car. They told me, worse case scenario - 90 - 100 dollars. I called on Monday to check on the car and they told me 335 dollars!! I was so mad. I told them what they told me on Saturday, and he didn't really have an answer and did not give us a discount. They also caught my low oil, so they decided to change that too. It ended up being 393 dollars. I am scared every time I turn on my car. I am afraid the key is going to break. After we spent almost 400 dollars on my car, the stove decided to break. Thank goodness for the grill!  Chris and I both got a stomach bug of sorts. They wanted to move Jacob's MRI to 11 instead of 10. I know it's just an hour, but that is too long for a kid to go without eating. I decided to cancel it. They called me on Friday at 4:30pm and his MRI was supposed to be Monday. Niiice!!! :(

The boys are doing good. Nicholas finished his second book. He is reading by himself. Jacob had his 2 year check up. He is doing good. The doctor said to continue his therapy. He really didn't say much. Jacob only had to get one shot, and no more until he is 5. The teeth varnish was actually worse than the shot. You can't mess with that kid.

Along with the stove, and car, my computer is acting up. We are very lucky I was able to type this. I hope next week is better!! Enjoy the last week of June (already :( )    Mandy

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Memorial Day

                                          Mommy found a good spot at the Library! We were all pleased :)

                                           Waiting for the parade to begin
                                             Still waiting and getting a little fussy
                                          Mommy and Jacob shot
                                            Pretty horses!
                                          Checking how much candy he got
                                           Lolly the Trolley
                                          We Salute you!
                                         Nordonia High School Marching Band
                                          Thought this was very creative
                                          Dancing to the Marching Band


On Monday May 27, the boys and I attended the Memorial Day Parade in Nordonia Hills. We live in an area that has three cities, and we become one. We live in Northfield Center (Nor), and then we have Macedonia (donia) and lastly Sagamore Hills (Hills). We just go with it :) The Parade was fun! I did this outing all by myself and the boys were OUTSTANDING! We left at 9:15, found a great spot at the library. Jacob got a little tired sitting in the stroller, so I did hold him for a little bit. It was a good time, and we can't wait to do it again next year.

The Summer vacation is in full swing now. We went to the Akron Zoo last Tuesday. We had tons of fun. Chris really enjoyed it. Nicholas was so proud of himself for going into the bat house. I was happy, no THRILLED that we renewed, upgraded out pass. We have the pass for another year!

Jacob is doing awesome. He is still struggling with his sensory disorder, which is really concerning me, but we just go with the flow. I gave him the "spa treatment" one night - which included hair, nails, and lotion, and he hated it. He just gets in these moods were he does not want to be touched. For some reason late Spring / early Summer does not agree with Jacob. He was really fussy one day last week, and it was humid, so we turned on the AC. I guess it worked. I just go day by day and use my patience as much as I can. I really don't get any breaks, I am with Jacob and his moods 24/7. I suppose that is good - so I know how to handle when things get a little rough. But Jacob is doing awesome with his speech. I think we are up to 15 words. He says Boo Boo, BeeBee (Chipmunk), Ow, Bye, Hi, Hot, Boon(spoon), Bowl, Pop (juice and pop), ck (sock) and many more. It is hilarious and refreshing to hear him. I am so thankful that we have made so much progress with his speech.  He also has a new tooth :)

Nicholas is fine. Last week we went to the playground. There were balloons on the playground. He put one in his mouth. I yelled at him  for doing that. I said if you get sick, I don't want to hear about it.  Ha! The next morning he DID get sick! I didn't actually believe it would have worked. I did not enjoy cleaning the throw up, but my point was made. He felt better by mid morning. I think he ate something. He has been complaining a lot about his tummy. We don't know if it allergies. This kid throws up too much though. The Mommy who hates puke - gets the kid that does it all the time. Go figure.

This week, we hope to go on a field trip. That's what I tell Nicholas. We will go on a field trip once a week.
Nicholas is about to lose it - time for bed. Happy Father's Day and have a great week! Mandy

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jacob turns 2!

Hi Everyone,

     It is hard to believe that my baby turned 2 on May 23rd. The actual day was not that fun. Jacob was still having his issues. I ordered pizza and got a little cake for him. He laid on my legs for most of the time, and crying. He barely ate the pizza, but loved the cake!

 We were supposed to go to my Mom's house on Memorial day, to celebrate some more, but that got moved to the Saturday after Memorial Day. Jacob had some pretty nice Birthday parties :)

I am finished with School! I am home with my babies!! I hope to get caught up on a lot of stuff around the house. The house never gets cleaned when I am working all week. It will take a lot of work, but I have the whole Summer :) Actually, it's just keeping up with the laundry and dishes - daily.

Nicholas and Jacob are doing well. Nicholas has been very active and nonstop talking. Jacob is talking more too. I am hoping to go to the playground today. The Sun and temperatures have not been our friends lately.

On Tuesday, we are going to the Zoo as a family - for the first time ever! Chris has never been to the Akron Zoo before - I know a shocker, but I usually go on the weekends.

Well, I was just informed that someone is hungry. This kid eats all the time! Have a good Sunday. Mandy

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pre-K Grad!

                                          Nicholas was first in line
                                          Saving this picture for his High School Graduation :)
                                           Waiting for his diploma
                                          Getting his diploma and then crossing the bridge
                                           Class of 2013!
                                           Attempted  to get a picture of the Grandmas

Hi Everyone,

        May 16th was a big day in our household. Nicholas graduated from Preschool. We are so proud of Nicholas. However, during the week, Nicholas got sick with a fever and had to miss one of his final days of preschool. I felt SO bad. Both boys came down with something. Nicholas was still not feeling 100% for his graduation, but he did it! I was so happy I took a half day from School to watch my baby #1 graduate from Preschool. We love Lollipop and hope Jacob will be able to go there too. After Graduation, there was a picnic and that was nice too.

Everyone is doing well! Jacob has had a cough for two weeks, but I am not too worried about it. We just don't understand why he is always sick. Nicholas has a slight cough, but not as bad. I really think Jacob is bringing stuff home from therapy.

Nicholas' Summer break started two weeks ago. Mine doesn't start until next Friday. I have three days left with the kids, and then one teacher day. I am really going to miss this class. I had a student crying a few days ago, because she doesn't want School to end. She is so sweet! I did sign my contract yesterday, so the decided to keep me for another year :) I am getting more hugs from the kids lately, and some are more cuddly. I think they might miss me too.

No big plans for the Summer. Chris isn't sure when he is taking his vacation. Nicholas has Safety Town in July. Jacob has an MRI in June. I think there may be a few play dates. It will be a fun Summer, just with no big plans.

Well, I am very busy with grades and such. Sorry this is so short! Have a good week! Mandy