Saturday, June 15, 2013

Memorial Day

                                          Mommy found a good spot at the Library! We were all pleased :)

                                           Waiting for the parade to begin
                                             Still waiting and getting a little fussy
                                          Mommy and Jacob shot
                                            Pretty horses!
                                          Checking how much candy he got
                                           Lolly the Trolley
                                          We Salute you!
                                         Nordonia High School Marching Band
                                          Thought this was very creative
                                          Dancing to the Marching Band


On Monday May 27, the boys and I attended the Memorial Day Parade in Nordonia Hills. We live in an area that has three cities, and we become one. We live in Northfield Center (Nor), and then we have Macedonia (donia) and lastly Sagamore Hills (Hills). We just go with it :) The Parade was fun! I did this outing all by myself and the boys were OUTSTANDING! We left at 9:15, found a great spot at the library. Jacob got a little tired sitting in the stroller, so I did hold him for a little bit. It was a good time, and we can't wait to do it again next year.

The Summer vacation is in full swing now. We went to the Akron Zoo last Tuesday. We had tons of fun. Chris really enjoyed it. Nicholas was so proud of himself for going into the bat house. I was happy, no THRILLED that we renewed, upgraded out pass. We have the pass for another year!

Jacob is doing awesome. He is still struggling with his sensory disorder, which is really concerning me, but we just go with the flow. I gave him the "spa treatment" one night - which included hair, nails, and lotion, and he hated it. He just gets in these moods were he does not want to be touched. For some reason late Spring / early Summer does not agree with Jacob. He was really fussy one day last week, and it was humid, so we turned on the AC. I guess it worked. I just go day by day and use my patience as much as I can. I really don't get any breaks, I am with Jacob and his moods 24/7. I suppose that is good - so I know how to handle when things get a little rough. But Jacob is doing awesome with his speech. I think we are up to 15 words. He says Boo Boo, BeeBee (Chipmunk), Ow, Bye, Hi, Hot, Boon(spoon), Bowl, Pop (juice and pop), ck (sock) and many more. It is hilarious and refreshing to hear him. I am so thankful that we have made so much progress with his speech.  He also has a new tooth :)

Nicholas is fine. Last week we went to the playground. There were balloons on the playground. He put one in his mouth. I yelled at him  for doing that. I said if you get sick, I don't want to hear about it.  Ha! The next morning he DID get sick! I didn't actually believe it would have worked. I did not enjoy cleaning the throw up, but my point was made. He felt better by mid morning. I think he ate something. He has been complaining a lot about his tummy. We don't know if it allergies. This kid throws up too much though. The Mommy who hates puke - gets the kid that does it all the time. Go figure.

This week, we hope to go on a field trip. That's what I tell Nicholas. We will go on a field trip once a week.
Nicholas is about to lose it - time for bed. Happy Father's Day and have a great week! Mandy

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