Saturday, June 22, 2013

Zoo with Daddy

Hi Everyone,

 What a week! I am very glad it is over :) The pictures above are from the Zoo trip we took with Daddy on June 11th. It was the very first time Daddy got to go to the Zoo. I think he really enjoyed it. We even renewed / upgraded our pass. That made my day. We use the pass all the time! In fact, my mom and I took the boys yesterday to the Zoo. We may even go next week. I also found out that we can go to another Zoo and pay half price. Awesome! I owe the boys a trip to Cleveland Zoo. Next year, we will not renew the pass for Lake Farmpark. It's a fun place, but too far for us, and that pass it barely used.

We had a fun week - NOT! Last Saturday, we went to Walmart. When we were leaving I noticed that my key was bent. So, I tried to bend it back and then it broke! I did not want to be stuck in the Walmart parking lot. I put the broken piece in the ignition and then I turned it on with the other piece. It worked! Then I called that same day, and asked how much it would be to fix my car. They told me, worse case scenario - 90 - 100 dollars. I called on Monday to check on the car and they told me 335 dollars!! I was so mad. I told them what they told me on Saturday, and he didn't really have an answer and did not give us a discount. They also caught my low oil, so they decided to change that too. It ended up being 393 dollars. I am scared every time I turn on my car. I am afraid the key is going to break. After we spent almost 400 dollars on my car, the stove decided to break. Thank goodness for the grill!  Chris and I both got a stomach bug of sorts. They wanted to move Jacob's MRI to 11 instead of 10. I know it's just an hour, but that is too long for a kid to go without eating. I decided to cancel it. They called me on Friday at 4:30pm and his MRI was supposed to be Monday. Niiice!!! :(

The boys are doing good. Nicholas finished his second book. He is reading by himself. Jacob had his 2 year check up. He is doing good. The doctor said to continue his therapy. He really didn't say much. Jacob only had to get one shot, and no more until he is 5. The teeth varnish was actually worse than the shot. You can't mess with that kid.

Along with the stove, and car, my computer is acting up. We are very lucky I was able to type this. I hope next week is better!! Enjoy the last week of June (already :( )    Mandy

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