Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pre-K Grad!

                                          Nicholas was first in line
                                          Saving this picture for his High School Graduation :)
                                           Waiting for his diploma
                                          Getting his diploma and then crossing the bridge
                                           Class of 2013!
                                           Attempted  to get a picture of the Grandmas

Hi Everyone,

        May 16th was a big day in our household. Nicholas graduated from Preschool. We are so proud of Nicholas. However, during the week, Nicholas got sick with a fever and had to miss one of his final days of preschool. I felt SO bad. Both boys came down with something. Nicholas was still not feeling 100% for his graduation, but he did it! I was so happy I took a half day from School to watch my baby #1 graduate from Preschool. We love Lollipop and hope Jacob will be able to go there too. After Graduation, there was a picnic and that was nice too.

Everyone is doing well! Jacob has had a cough for two weeks, but I am not too worried about it. We just don't understand why he is always sick. Nicholas has a slight cough, but not as bad. I really think Jacob is bringing stuff home from therapy.

Nicholas' Summer break started two weeks ago. Mine doesn't start until next Friday. I have three days left with the kids, and then one teacher day. I am really going to miss this class. I had a student crying a few days ago, because she doesn't want School to end. She is so sweet! I did sign my contract yesterday, so the decided to keep me for another year :) I am getting more hugs from the kids lately, and some are more cuddly. I think they might miss me too.

No big plans for the Summer. Chris isn't sure when he is taking his vacation. Nicholas has Safety Town in July. Jacob has an MRI in June. I think there may be a few play dates. It will be a fun Summer, just with no big plans.

Well, I am very busy with grades and such. Sorry this is so short! Have a good week! Mandy

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