Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jacob turns 2!

Hi Everyone,

     It is hard to believe that my baby turned 2 on May 23rd. The actual day was not that fun. Jacob was still having his issues. I ordered pizza and got a little cake for him. He laid on my legs for most of the time, and crying. He barely ate the pizza, but loved the cake!

 We were supposed to go to my Mom's house on Memorial day, to celebrate some more, but that got moved to the Saturday after Memorial Day. Jacob had some pretty nice Birthday parties :)

I am finished with School! I am home with my babies!! I hope to get caught up on a lot of stuff around the house. The house never gets cleaned when I am working all week. It will take a lot of work, but I have the whole Summer :) Actually, it's just keeping up with the laundry and dishes - daily.

Nicholas and Jacob are doing well. Nicholas has been very active and nonstop talking. Jacob is talking more too. I am hoping to go to the playground today. The Sun and temperatures have not been our friends lately.

On Tuesday, we are going to the Zoo as a family - for the first time ever! Chris has never been to the Akron Zoo before - I know a shocker, but I usually go on the weekends.

Well, I was just informed that someone is hungry. This kid eats all the time! Have a good Sunday. Mandy

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