Sunday, July 21, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

                                                    Happy after nap!
                                                    Attempting to rebuild WH #2, but I think the thrill is gone
                                                    First time riding with big brother
                                                    There she is! My new oven - it has a towel rack!
                                                    Jacob giving Sophie kisses. She is one spoiled kitty ;)
                                                    Jacob still sleeping after his MRI

Hi Everyone,

     This was a weird week. We had a lot of down time, but we also had a lot to do this week. On Monday, we went to the Library and ran some errands. Jacob had Speech therapy in the afternoon. On Tuesday, we really didn't do anything which was fine with me. On Wednesday, we visited Daddy and P at work. Jacob had therapy in the afternoon. Nicholas had to come with me. That was fun - not. On Thursday, I waited all day to have my oven delivered. They were an hour and half late. I was  not happy. Lowes called me and asked how everything went, and I told them. I wasn't mean about it, but I think they got the point. I do LOVE my new oven. On Friday, Jacob had his MRI. That was very stressful. Jacob did really well, especially since he didn't have anything to eat or drink for more than 12 hours. They had to put him under. I got to hold him, which was not requested by me - it was a must. The guy came from behind him to put the mask on, and he screamed, cried, and fought. It was not fun, and I was feeling terrible. They got what they needed, and Jacob would have slept all day if we didn't wake him up. He was fine for the rest of the day. Did not fall back to sleep at all. I moved bed time to 7:30 or a little after. He was a little wobbly which was funny. He walked like he was drunk. He ate "hot cheese", which is mac and cheese, and nibbled on some our dinner, but I could tell the eating just wasn't there. His tummy might have been bothering him. Nicholas was a little worried and wanted to come, but there would have been no way. Jacob was and as always very clingy to me, and he needed me and my full attention. I was very grateful that the MOMS were able to help me out that day.

Nicholas is doing pretty good. His mouth his still on auto pilot. He says "poop" and "stupid" too much. His behavior has been pretty good. We are back to getting up early again. I actually got him to nap yesterday. He had to lay with me of course, but there wasn't much struggle. He is really enjoying reading. My mom and Nicholas made sight cards and we have been working on them.

Besides the MRI, and Jacob did really well with that, everything is going well with Jacob. He has a new word, "choc" You can guess what that means. He is saying Mommy now. Mama is hit or miss, so he changed my name to Mommy. Daddy is still dada though. He also started saying Ahmi this week. The 5:00 monster is back. It doesn't matter if he had a good nap, I know when it is 5:00. That time can be very rough.

Well, Nicholas is STILL hungry! We are going through a growth spurt :)  Have a good week!! Mandy

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