Monday, July 29, 2013

Amish Country 2013

Hi Everyone,

    Last Tuesday, we went to Amish Country. We had a great time. It was a long day, but both boys were very good. We started at 9am and came home around 5:30pm. Jacob did not have much of a nap, but he did OK. We went to my favorite chip place. Then we got some cheese. We went to a few other places, and then had lunch. After lunch we did some more shopping. The one place we stopped at before lunch was a Petting Zoo. This will be a must every time we go to Amish Country. We rode in a buggy, and Jacob was so excited - he kept going "eh,eh". Nicholas rode a pony. We saw a huge horse. Big Ben is the biggest horse I have ever seen. Then we did some shopping. Chris bought me a bird feeder :) I got to hold puppies. Nicholas lost it a little on the way home, but overall we had a good time.

The boys are doing good. I am finally reading to Jacob before bed. He loves to be read to. I knew it was coming. Nicholas was a little over two when he wanted me to start reading to him. I am so glad he wants to read a book before  bed. I must be doing something right. Nicholas likes to be in there when I read to Jacob. At first, I was fighting it, but then I thought so what? So, I let him in there. I would like it to be Jacob and Mommy time, but I think Nicholas will eventually get bored with coming in and then I can have my quiet time with Jacob. Nicholas is on his 4th  book. We are still going strong with reading before bed. It is wonderful. Jacob's MRI came back fine. It just showed that he had an infection on his brain when he was inside me or when he was just born. This may explain the delays. We are doing the therapies and will check out a special education preschool in January for Jacob. The doctor said I am doing everything right. He will continue to monitor his development, but isn't worried. Jacob is up to 30 words! Nicholas is doing pretty good. His behavior has been really good. Next Tuesday, he has his Kindergarten screening.

I need to put Nicholas to bed. I let him stay up while I was working on the blog. Have a great week!!! Mandy

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