Thursday, July 4, 2013

A little update...

Hi Everyone!

I know, I am slipping with the blog. I did not blog this weekend, and I do apologize. I have no good reason for it. I guess during the Summer, I don't have to wait to blog on the weekends, I can blog anytime :)

I thought this would be a good time for an update on the Family :)

Nicholas - I am having a really hard time with him. During the Spring, I could not wait until the Summer so I could spend more time with the boys. We usually have a great time in the Summer. We still are, but it is different this Summer. I really should have signed him up for camp. I did want to be one of those parents that send their kids to camp. I didn't even think of that in the Spring, because I thought he wouldn't need that kind of interaction, but boy was I wrong. I was even offered VBS for him, but I declined. I think he is bored. He has an attitude, talks back and doesn't listen at all. Last Summer was so much fun. Behaviors change, I guess. Now I know for next year! I love the kid, but there are days when I am very happy that 8pm or 9pm comes. That is another problem. He goes to bed at 9pm and gets up at 7:00 or sometimes at 6:30. A big chunk of this behavior has to do with sleeping,but I also know he is bored. He is so attached to me.  I can only do so much to keep him occupied. It is not very often he will play by himself. He won't even go in his room and play. We go to the library every week, which has helped. He gets a new video and many books. Nicholas is on his third book - reading by himself. We came up with a system. He will only read 2 pages a night. I can't force him to read more than that, because he will shut down on me. The first book he read was Hop on Pop and then The Foot Book. We are currently reading Green Eggs and Ham. I am taking pictures of every book he reads by himself and then we will make a photo album. A neat Summer project. Next week, he starts Safety Town - 2 hours for one week - Thank Goodness!

Jacob - He is still my angel baby, but even Jacob has his moments. We are up to about 20 words. He  is kind of stuck now. Jacob had an explosion of words and then he kind of stopped. He is using a lot of the words more than once and frequent, and won't expand on learning new words. I have been home with him for a month and I am so glad I was able to help him along with his speech - that's when I noticed the big change. He uses the word Hi a lot. I think he uses it when he is nervous. He tells me Bye, when he about to take off running. At least he gives me a heads up. He says OW, BOOM, JUICE, STRAW, BOWL, PEE PEE, BABY, PUPPY, APPLE, BUBBLE, BABA, DADA, P, POP etc. What concerns me, he won't say yes or no. He just shakes his head no, and I have to prompt him for yes. He won't say his name. The therapist tries to get him to say ME. I am really happy I can be at Speech now. I have been working so hard with Jacob, and hopefully, his speech picks up again. In OT we are working with the Sensory Disorder. Jacob is not autistic, but the the Sensory Disorder is in that category with Autism. He has parts of his body, like his sensory organs that are not fully developed, and he cannot process sensory information and stuff - yet. Once his body gets older, the Sensory disorder should be better, and if it isn't we will learn to deal with it.  For about a month, the Sensory disorder was working like he had Autism, but it subsided and we are back to his "regular" self. Jacob can have intense moments of this disorder. We went to Wendy's one day, and I had to change Jacob's diaper, I turned on the water to wash my hands and he freaked (Like Rain Man style) Chris was sitting in the dining part, by the windows and he heard Jacob through the door. I let the OT know, and she works with him. I notice his feet are the MOST sensitive. I think that is why he tip toe walks.  He likes baths, but he freaks when water is one part of his body.

So there is an update on the boys. I am hanging in there. Between the boys and my mom going through stuff with my grandma and Dad, it has been an interesting Summer. Have a good weekend! Mandy

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