Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nope, No way!

Hi Everyone,

    I refuse to believe that my number one baby started Kindergarten this past Thursday. It was a good thing I wasn't there to put him on the bus. I think we both would have cried, and he would have missed his first day - because I wouldn't have been able to let him go. Nicholas did very well on his first day of School. He told me he loved Kindergarten. I hope this excitement continues throughout his educational career. He is such a smart kid. I just hope the teachers challenge him and make sure he enjoys School. We downloaded a book on my Nook that they read on Friday. He likes the bus and knows how to behave on the bus and at School. Chris and I had a very stern talk with him about getting in trouble. I hope it works. 

Summer went by too quick! I cannot believe how fast it went.  I am usually itching to go back by the middle of July, but that month went by so quick. I think it was because Nicholas started to be fun again, and we were enjoying our Summer. I am hoping to squeak in a few more Zoo trips on the weekends, before it gets too cold.

Jacob is doing good. I think he will miss big brother, but the separation will be good for both. Sometimes, Nicholas gets tired of having big brother hang around him all the time.

I hope everyone has a good week! Mandy

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