Friday, January 13, 2012

Feed Me!

Hi Everyone,

I think I have said it more than once about how much Nicholas loves Jacob. I am very lucky that I have two good boys. Nicholas can be very independent. He wants to do things his way! I wish he would play more by himself or not get upset when I go into another room. If I am in his room and he is playing, and I decide to do something in my room, he hates being left alone and has to be with me. I can't wait for the day when I go to the bathroom by myself!

Nicholas is starting to show a little more 4. His behavior is getting better. We still have the temper tantrums, but I do see the maturity starting to take place. He got to spend all day in preschool today - I know he was excited. Baba's car got stuck in the snow, and she had to wait a very long time to get it out of the snow. We have a conference in a couple weeks with the teacher. I am excited / nervous to see how he is doing. I did register (gulp) him for the 4's. I am going to place in the PM class instead of the AM class, and I think that will work out very well.

Jacob is doing great. Slept through the night all week. A couple mornings up at 5:30 - 6:00am, but that was okay, because I was up already. He is eating so well now. Still no crawling, but we are working on that. He spent the afternoon in preschool too, and really enjoyed it!

I think Niko is getting sick and probably soon to follow will be Jacob. It's a cold, and we have been cold free for almost three months, and in my book that is pretty good.

We have been really busy. I thought after the Holidays it would have slowed down, but nope it hasn't. I like keeping busy, but I do need a break. I will be having lunch with my Mom on Monday and I am looking forward to that!

The pictures above: On New Year's Day, Nicholas HAD to feed Jacob. My mom was here, and she told me just let him do it - so I did. She told me not to worry about the clothes or Jacob's face, just go with it. Nicholas and Jacob enjoyed it. After Nicholas was finished, I ran upstairs with Jacob and hosed him off and put new clothes on.

Have a good Weekend!!!

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