Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beach Babies (Sort of)

Hi Everyone,

         This past Sunday we went to our favorite playground. It has an Animal Park and playground. The animals are not real. You can climb on these animals, and they don't bite. In one of the areas, there is a huge sandbox, but it is on the ground. At first, I had Jacob in the stroller and then I decided to let him have some fun. Plus, sand is a texture that Jacob needs to feel. He did OK. He was a little hesitant at first, but then got into the whole sand thing. He came to me a couple of times with some worried expressions, but he went back out there. This kid never gives up, and always tries and tries. We had fun that day. I always like to go to this playground. It's always hard to drag Nicholas away from this playground. After, we went to see the house Mommy used to live in when she was a little girl.

Everyone is doing well. Nicholas has gone a month without an illness - YAY! A few tummy aches, but nothing that involved clean up or cancelling plans. Nicholas started TBall last week. That went OK. He has a very hard time listening (no big surprise) and he is so excited. The coach kept telling him to stop playing in the dirt. He wasn't listening to the coach! When Nicholas is in the field and running the bases - it's a hot mess. He did better last night. Daddy was there, and daddy got involved - that helped! Next Wednesday is picture day and his first game. I am glad I got Nicholas involved in TBall, but I feel like I did it too late. Maybe I should have signed him up last year for sports. I am also not convinced that sports will be his thing. I am thinking more along the academic line and maybe music. We will give the sports thing a try.
Nicholas is growing very well. His bone age scan came back as 4 years and 6 months as his growth, So, he is a month behind - big deal :) He was a year and half behind last year. The doctor decreased his dosage, which I am very happy about. He was having growing pains and complaining of being thirsty. We will see how the new dosage goes. It's also a pen shot now. It clicks, and I have to put it on the dosage setting. I am still getting used to this pen - but the needle is so much smaller than the old one. Nicholas isn't convinced though. He still hates the needle :(

Jacob is doing well. He had a very good PT session this past Tuesday. Why? because Mommy left the session and Daddy stayed with him. The therapist told me not to do that all the time though. He needs to see Mommy when he is doing the hard work. I just wanted them to have a good session and with me being there was not helping. She said he is not strong enough to walk yet, but he is getting there, and he is trying very hard. We should be getting his trunk brace very soon! It makes him move around so much more comfortable and more confident. OT went well. He got very scared when she sprayed some shaving cream (texture). It took about 5 minutes for him to calm down, but he did and she said that is good. He did the swing for her for a little bit. The swing was the highlight for OT yesterday :) We also have another tooth. We are up to five, but I think we another one brewing. 

We went to the Indians Game this past Monday. Chris, myself, and the moms went. It was a lot of fun! Chris came home after TBall last night and watched some of the game with Nicholas. Tomorrow we are going to the Akron Zoo. I think I get as excited as Nicholas does. We are branching out a little next week - Cleveland Zoo :) Have a good Friday and weekend!! Mandy

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