Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi Everyone,

     We are doing better. Everyone is still having moments, but we are just plugging along. Nicholas hit us with some tough questions and comments at the end of last week. So far this week, it has been much better, except when he announced to the Preschool Story time at the Library that Papa is in heaven. We also had a conversation about Heaven this morning - but we were both having a very casual conversation about Heaven. It will take some time. Papa was a big part of our lives.

The pictures above : Our Trip to see Thomas. Actually the trip only lasts ten minutes. Thomas is very close to our house. He was here for two weekends. We went on May 27th, the second weekend. I think next year, we will go to the first weekend. It seemed to lack a lot of stuff this year. Nicholas loved it, which is important to me. Jacob shows interest in Thomas too. He loves the song and I catch him a few times playing with Nicholas' engines. I think we will be going to Thomas for many, many years! It was HOT this year. We went the Sunday before Memorial Day, so it was nice not to have to go to work the next day. My mom came with us. Always nice to have extra hands :)

Nicholas is doing good. My mom mentioned to me last night to stop talking "bad" about him. He frustrates me, probably because he is just like me :) He is four and we have our challenges - but he is a GOOD kid. We still have the talking back and not following directions. I love the kid with all my heart, and he told me I was his number 1 fan :) I wish I get to spend more time with him. Jacob having three therapy sessions a week, is hard. I enrolled Niko in Preschool Story time on Mondays in July. Just him and I. It is wonderful and gives us time together. We had a good time yesterday.He wants to go back. T-Ball starts next Wednesday. He also has a growth appointment that day - which means bone scan. Hopefully, he is catching up :)

Jacob is doing good. He is really cruising the furniture now. I am not anticipating his walking anytime soon. We just take it one step at a time :) I always take one positive thing away from therapy. He is doing well. We have a week off from PT, but we need to work up his muscle tone. He is eating better. At 6:00 every night, we have our problems. He is ready to go to bed, and I am not putting him down at 6pm. I have to keep him up for another hour and a half. A bath usually helps the mood.

Chris was on vacation last week. We didn't do much of anything. Took Jacob to therapy. Saturday we went to Lake Farmpark on a 100 degree day. It was hot but nice. We had the whole park to ourselves.

I am sure I forgot some stuff. Since I am still on Summer break - there will be a few more blogs during the week. Enjoy the Sunshine!! Mandy

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