Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Day!

                                          This is how close we live to the freeway!

                                            Loves to eat snow!

Hi Everyone,

The day after Christmas we got our snow. I have been waiting for this kind of snow for two years! I could not wait for Nicholas to play in this snow! He was pretty excited too. As usual, I get the honors of taking him outside. I don't think Chris has taken Nicholas out yet - to play in the snow. Jacob stayed inside with Baba. I don't think Jacob is ready to play in the snow yet. Plus, we still need to get all the gear. Anyway, Nicholas had fun playing in the snow. He got to use his sled, and he made a snow angel. He loves to eat the snow. He was making snow soup - from Little Critter. We stayed outside for more than a half an hour. Nicholas loved it.

The rest of the Christmas week went OK. I was still not feeling well, so I went to the doctor on Saturday. I have an ear infection and sinus infection. Nicholas got sick on Thursday. He was pretty miserable on Friday. He is feeling better. He now has a really stuffy nose and a bad cough. I hope this cold, leaves for good and doesn't get Jacob again. Jacob continued with his therapy on Thursday and Friday. He is doing pretty well. The sign language he does is amazing. I am just afraid he will be dependent with that and not worry about talking. At 18 months he should be saying 50 words. We are at 2 or 3. Eek! But I am not freaking out like I was before. It will all come with time.

Tomorrow, I will do a blog of how we have grown throughout the year! Should be fun and interesting :) Have a great Sunday! Mandy

Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!

                                         It was a rough night :) Elves Christmas party with Santa!

                                         I told him to smile
                                           Making cookies for Santa

                                        Not my Cleo, but I guess he will do on Christmas morning, Middy :)

Hi Everyone,

We hope everyone had a great Christmas! The boys had a great day. On Christmas Eve, some family came over. We had dinner and made cookies for Santa. Christmas Day, we went to Church and then to my mom's and dad's. I am still not feeling well - so I was kind of  blah. Plus, I am missing my Cleo. There will be a doctor's visit soon. I wish I was a little more excited for Nicholas. I felt like I didn't give it my all - but I think he had a pretty good Christmas season. He keeps asking if Tippy will come back on Valentine's Day.

Nicholas managed to stay healthy throughout the Holidays. He got the crud yesterday. He seems to be doing OK. Sneezing and runny nose. There may have been a fever. This kid doesn't complain though. I bundled him up for bed, and I think he may have sweated it out. His cheeks and chin were so red, and that had me a little worried.

I promise I will blog tomorrow. We got out first snowfall, and of course I took pictures. I will also do the annual end of the year blogs. It will be tricky with Jacob and Nicholas, but I think I can do it. Have a wonderful Friday :) Mandy

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Niko!

                                         R.I.P. My Sweet Girl - Cleo 5/02 - 12/12

Hi Everyone,

Who has had the worst week EVER?! This girl right here. This year hasn't been the greatest, but the universe decided to throw in a bad week right before the year was over. Gah! I am so over this year. It needs to be 2013 soon.

I will be doing blogs every night. I am so behind. I thought I would start with Niko's birthday. Something positive :)

On December 15th, Niko had his first Birthday party with friends. Chris took the day off, which was good, because I needed him. Baba ended up staying with Jacob. He was so sick! My mom was sick too. I felt kind of bad that not more kids showed up for Niko's party - but he had fun. and that is all that matters. We did the bowling thing. He got some great gifts.

On December 16 - 17th.  Jacob caught the flu or something. He was miserable. Which meant Mommy was miserable too. His feet would not touch the floor. He had fevers, and stopped eating. I called off therapy for two days in a row. On the 17th -  I got it and still have it. I actually took a sick day. My children would not let me be sick. I hated being home while I was sick. I still feel like crap. I think I have a sinus infection. My doctor won't see me and we tried Urgent Care but there was a two hour wait. Eventually, I will get medicine. I just hate feeling like this all the time.

December 19th - Niko turned 5! He had a great day! The funny part - Jacob went back to therapy, and we met Niko, Baba, and Chris at a Mexican Restaurant. Jacob was so fussy. I had to take him home. Nicholas wanted to come home with me too. He didn't want to stick around and have them sing to him. He wanted to come home with me, which I think is so funny. He was missing his own Birthday celebration.

December 20th - Probably the most difficult day as a pet owner. I came home that night. I was really excited because I got Nicholas a bike. Chris came home and ate something. Cleo my kitty comes downstairs, and gave really two strange meows, and then she laid in the litter box. I knew something was going wrong. I am thinking she wants to die. I told Chris we need to get her to the Vet, asap! We can't find a dead cat in the morning - if that is what was wrong with her. I hurried and got our sitter. Then I put Cleo in the carrier, and I noticed her breathing was really strange. I was thinking hairball or cold. Off we go, knowing we will spend at least 500 dollars on this cat. What the Vet told us was not good. She either had blood clots or cancer in her lungs. She was not expected to make it through the night. We let her go, and she went peacefully. She was 10 years old. I got her when I was single, and almost had her for 10 years. I am very sad. It's like a big void right now. She was the biggest lap cat. She slept with me every night. I always "see" her. She was my Clee. Such an awesome kitty. I really haven't had the time to grieve. I would just like to lay in bed one day and let it all out. I have to hold it together for the boys. Nicholas is fine with the whole thing. He was more upset about the neighbor's dog passing a few weeks ago.

Ok, time to put Niko to bed. I let him stay up a little later, so I could type this. Have a good night! Mandy

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Meet Tippy and Santa Visit

Hi Everyone,

I do apologized for not blogging last week. I was so busy. I had to work at Woodside on Saturday morning, then we took the boys to see Santa. On Sunday, I worked Bingo. I was exhausted all week! I know I promised more blogs, and I will try my hardest to post more blogs in the next two weeks.

Meet Tippy. He is our Elf. Tippy is a pretty good Elf. If Nicholas is pretty good, he may bring him a treat from the North Pole. The name Tippy came from my grandma's dog. The used to have an English Springer Spaniel named Tippy. I wanted to honor my grandparents that way. It is a fun new tradition!

Last Saturday, we went to visit Santa. I was a little worried about Jacob. I thought for sure he would cry. Boy, I was 100% wrong. He did great! Nothing like Nicholas. It took three years for Nicholas to like Santa. I put Jacob on Santa's lap and he started to smile. I was very calm, and did not make a big fuss about him being so good. I think that helped. Santa was pretty good this year. Nicholas was a little upset that Rudolph wasn't talking this year. By the end of the visit he realized Rudolph was pretend :(

Everything else is going pretty good. Nicholas has a birthday coming up! I cannot believe he will be five. He has his party today. His first friends party. A lot of people have canceled. That is why I don't do parties, too close to Christmas. I wanted to Nicholas to have one though. It should be fun. Chris took the day off. I know I will get some cute pictures.

Jacob has a very bad cold. I feel so bad for him. I think he is getting croup. He won't take medicine. I will just keep my eye on him. Nicholas complained about his tummy last night, but he was ok. I had to go to a Christmas party last night with Chris and I was worried about my babies.

It was such a busy week for me, and my house shows it. By Christmastime, everything will calm down:) Last night, I really wanted to be home with my babies. I found out about the shooting at school yesterday, and we took a moment during class to pray. I wanted to be home with my babies though. I cannot not wait for two weeks - to sleep in and spend time with my three loves.

Have a good Weekend! Mandy

Sunday, December 2, 2012


                                         Making soup for the homeless - service project
                                          Enjoying some homemade soup!
                                          What Mommy does during the service project
                                          What Daddy does during the service project
                                            Enjoying his 1/2 birthday cupcake
                                          Christmas Tree 2012 - No ornaments on the bottom
                                         Love this face!
                                           Niko being Silly!
                                         My sweetie!!

Hi Everyone,

  I have no good reason for not keeping up with the blog. I haven't been in the mood, and this mood is getting worse, but I must plug on and get these blogs accomplished. I do apologize, and I will try to fill December with many pictures and blogs. We were kind of in a lull with Fall events being over and now Christmas events are starting up.

I decided to share some family pictures and what we have been up to. Not much - but we do try to keep busy.  Nicholas needs to be kept busy!! We do a service project once a month at church. This is a wonderful experience for Nicholas. I used to go by myself. One time, while I was there I decided Nicholas could do this. He loves to help and it is for a good cause. I was right! He does a great job. What amazes me - all the other kids are running around not helping, and Nicholas is with the adults helping. That really makes me proud. Jacob does OK too. If they show a movie at the end of the project, I usually leave with Jacob. He can't handle that yet.

Nicholas made stone soup at school. Then, Ahmi and Niko made homemade chicken noodle soup and it was sooo good. The rest of the pictures involve cuteness. Our Christmas tree went up yesterday. We have had 4 broken ornaments so far. A Christmas tree with an 18 month is very interesting. Here are the updates:

Nicholas - We had his conference a few weeks ago. It went well. Nicholas is smart, but active. I am going to talk to his doctor about the possibility of having ADHD. Sometimes I think yes, and then other times, maybe not, but most of the time is yes :) He needs to be kept active and I am OK with that. If the weather is nice we will go outside. Yesterday, we went to the library and put up decorations. He told me that he was tired. I really don't want to medicate him, but I don't want him to be labeled as THAT kid when he is in School. He has been very naughty lately. Talking back, not listening, etc. Hopefully, turning five in a few weeks will help.

Jacob - Keeps me on my toes!!! He is into EVERYTHING! He is so different from Nicholas. I do not remember Nicholas digging in the trash bag or going through my cario cabinet. Holy cow this child! He also loves outlets! When we are outside we have to keep an eye on him. He runs away! He does not have a growth problem - phew. Jacob is cutting his molars and he has been doing OK so far.

I went to North Carolina for Thanksgiving to visit my brother and sister in law. It was a nice trip. I went with my parents and the boys stayed home. Nicholas has a very difficult time with me being away. That probably won't again until they are (much) older. It was a nice getaway. Next time I plan on bringing the boys.

December blogs - filled with Christmas (duh), Birthdays, Santa, Chippy our elf,  etc. Fun, Fun!
Have a good week!! Mandy